Self-supporting method; an alternative method for steel truss bridge element replacement

Steel truss bridge often requires replacement of its element due to serious damage caused by traffic accidents. This replacement is carried out using temporary supporting structure. It would be difficult when the available space for the temporary structure is quite limited and or the position of work is at a high elevation. The self-supporting method is proposed instead of temporary supporting structure. This paper will discuss an innovative method of bridge rehabilitation by utilizing the existing bridge structure. It requires such temporary connecting structure that installed on the existing bridge element, therefore, the forces during replacement process could be transferred to the bridge foundation directly. By taking the case on a steel truss bridge Jetis Salatiga which requires element replacement due to its damages on two main diagonals, a modeling is carried out to get a proper repair method. Structural analysis is conducted for three temporary connecting structure models: "I," "V," and triangular model. Stresses and translations that occur in the structure are used as constraints. Bridge bearings are modeled in two different modes: fixed-fixed system and fixed-free one. Temperature load is given in each condition to obtain the appropriate time for execution. The triangular model is chosen as the best one. In the fixed-fixed mode, this method can be carried out in a temperature range 27-28.8° C, while in fixed-free one, the temperature it is allowed between 27-43.4 °C. The D4 is dismantled first by cutting the D4 leaving an area of 1140.2 mm2 or 127 mm web length to enable plastic condition until the D4 collapses. At the beginning of elongation occurs, immediately performed a slowly jacking on a temporary connecting structure so that the force on D4 is gradually transferred to the temporary connecting structure then the D4 and D5 are set in their place.