Casting Ballots over Internet Connection Against Bribery and Coercion
Under the presupposition of security, privacy and transparency, electronic voting is regarded as the next prospective development in of electoral evolution, yet it fails to command people's trust for the unsolved problems of bribery and coercion. Coercers and bribers can utilize various verification behaviors to determine their voter manipulation by confirming whether or not a voter complied with their instructions, which is making all voting systems vulnerable. Existing published methods have been inadequate because either those emphasizing practicality have not been able to achieve effective protection due to their overtly simple protection method, or others that emphasize on theories have been difficult to put into practice due to the complicated protection method devised. In this study, we propose an efficient and secure e-voting scheme that employs the password property to form a trapdoor for protecting ballot secrecy and hence withstand verification behaviors. The designed scheme could enhance the overall volition of participating in voting, as it corresponds to the three elements of information security and integrates with the required security for electronic voting, such as verifying the identity of voters and the anonymity of voting to prevent voters from being coerced and bribed, the volition of not being controlled by external factors and the scheme being able to be operated on different computers, portable devices or different platforms.