Visualization as a Tool for Ecological Analysis

In the spirit of understanding complex interactions between biotic and abiotic systems, ecologists use countless tools and methods to collect, store, analyze, model, and share data. Although often underemphasized, visualization is a crucial step in translating data into ecological understanding and knowledge both within the discipline and externally to other scientists, stakeholders, decision-makers, and citizens. Furthermore, the need for effective visualization only increases as computational power grows, sensors collect higher resolution data, and novel forms of data collection emerge. While never a substitute for rigorous analysis, visual exploration of data can identify patterns not apparent from purely empirical or numerical approaches, guide quantitative analyses, and effectively communicate findings. This article highlights the value of visualization in ecological analysis and synthesis by presenting case studies relative to four common applications: data exploration, experimental analysis, numerical model output and evaluation, and ecological decision-making. The article concludes with a set of questions to guide ecologists in the selection and application of a visualization approach. The fields of visual analytics, information visualization, computer graphics, and scientific communication provide a rich body of literature, and this article serves only as an entry point for uncovering the seemingly endless body of visualization approaches.