IntroductionInstitute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), formerly known as Center for Biochemical Technology was established in 1977 with the objectives to translate concepts developed in basic biological research to commercially viable technologies. Principal areas of R&D include Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Functional Genomics, Molecular Medicine, Genome Informatics, Pharmacogenomics, Proteomics, Structural Biology, Comparative Genomics, Gene Expression, Recombinant DNA products, Nucleic Acids, peptide Chemistry, Environmental Biotechnology. It is an institute, where scientists, physicians and academicians can interact, complimenting each other, and generate new knowledge, develop technologies, and extend them for the benefit of society. CSIR-IGIB has made many significant contributions to the Indian Science, and is globally acknowledged, in certain areas of specialization. The long list of research publications of high average impact factor and the patent portfolio are testimony to the scientific caliber of the 60+ member scientists team of this institute. The research activities of the institute are business driven, in this new era of Biology, with significant industrial collaborations, and knowledge alliances, on the anvil.CSIR - IGIB has the largest computing facility (4 Tflop/s) in Asia outside Japan (Ranked 158th among the World's Top 500 Super Computers). It is the first CSIR Institute to market bioinformatics software based on in-house R&D and a member of the consortium of leading global players engaged in research related to functional genomics, involved in the Pan-Asian Initiative: Study Genetic Similarities and Diversities in Asia. It has successful track record of public-private partnership (PPPs) and Business Models and sequencing the first Indian human genome. New vistas in offing includes setting up bio-incubator facility for scientist entrepreneur and start-up companies to nurture ideas, concepts and provide a platform for commercialization of products / processes and partnering with leading agencies to provide Virtual Training Programs in bioinformaticsCSIR-IGIB opens a new chapter with the inauguration of its new wing at South Campus. The lush green campus spread over 10 acres, boasts of a 200,000 sq. ft. laboratory building and a 100 seater student hostel of international standardsLibrary and Documentation Division: CSIR-IGIB library has a core collection of books and subscribes to core 50 scientific peer reviewed foreign print journals and 4,000 online journals through direct subscription as well as CSIR e-journal consortium, NKRC. E-journal packages subscribed includes world renowned databases like American Chemical Society, Annual Reviews, ASTM Standards, Derwent Innovation Index, IEEE, Nature Publishing Group, Oxford University Press, Questel-Q-PAT, Royal Society of Chemistry, Taylor and Francis, Web of Science and Wiley-Blackwell etc as well as recent databases and web servers like Spinocerebellar Ataxia (Locus Specific Variation Data), FishMap Zv8 (Zebra fish Genome Browser), MassWiz (analysis of mass spectrometry data for proteomics), miRacle, Gene Decipher (package for predicting genes), DNA VacS (tool for codon optimization), QuadFinder, QuadBase etc.The total budget of CSIR-IGIB for periodicals for the year 2013 is Rs. 7,000,000 which is only ¼th of total amount of subscription spent by the institute. The rest is paid by National Knowledge Resource Consortium (funded by Government of India). The Library uses Libsys Automation Software Package for computerization of its activities. CSIR-IGIB is having J-gate Custom Content for Consortia (JCC) access whereby online document delivery is taken care of and provide Delhi Library Network (DELNET) which is actively used by students/scientists of CSIR-IGIB.Indian Institute of Chemical Biology:IICB is one of the a premier Institute of 39 laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - India's largest Research and Development organization established in 1935 as the first non-official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956. …
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