Color transplant for reverse ageing of faded artworks

Nowadays, photographs are one of the most used media for communication. Images are used for the representation of documents, Cultural goods, and so on: they are used to pass on a wedge of historical memory of the society. Since its origin, the photographic technique has got several improvements; nevertheless, photos are liable to several damages, both concerning the physical support and concerning the colors and figures which are depicted in it: for example, think about scratches or rips happened to a photo, or think about the fading or red (or yellow) toning concerning the colors of a photo. In this paper, we propose a novel method which is able to assess the original beauty of digital reproductions of aged photos, as well as digital reproductions of faded goods. The method is based on the comparison of the degraded image with a not-degraded one showing similar contents; thus, the colors of the not-degraded image can be transplanted in the degraded one. The key idea is a dualism between the analytical mechanics and the color theory: for each of the degraded and not-degraded images we compute first a scatter plot of the x and y normalized coordinates of their colors; these scatter diagrams can be regarded as a system of point masses, thus provided of inertia axes and an inertia ellipsoid. Moving the scatter diagram of the degraded image over the one belonging to the not-degraded image, the colors of the degraded image can be restored.