At-Surface Reflectance and Albedo from Satellite for Operational Calculation of Land Surface Energy Balance

This paper presents a rapid, operational method for estimating at-surface albedo applicable to Landsat and MODIS satellite sensors for typical cloud-free, low-haze conditions and sensor view angles less than 20°. At-surface albedo estimates are required input to various surface energy balance models that are applied operationally. The albedo calculation method was developed using the SMARTS2 radiative transfer model and has been applied in recent versions of the University of Idaho METRIC model as a component of the surface energy balance for determining evapotranspiration. The albedo procedure uses atmospheric correction functions developed to require only general humidity data and a digital elevation model. The atmospheric correction functions have a reduced structure to enhance their operational applicability in routine instantaneous surface energy balances and to estimate evapotranspiration. The method does not require high levels of knowledge in atmospheric physics and radiation transfer processes, c...

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