Section 1: Introduction.- 1 Physical Environment of India.- Section 2: Hydrology and Hydrometeorology.- 2 Water Budget and Population of India.- 3 Rainfall and Analysis of Rainfall Data.- 4 Evaporation and other Meteorological Data.- 5 Runoff and Streamflow.- 6 Groundwater.- Section 3: River Basins.- 7 River Basins of India.- 8 Ganga Basin.- 9 Brahmaputra and Barak Basin.- 10 Indus Basin.- 11 Narmada Basin.- 12 Tapi, Sabarmati, and Mahi Basins.- 13 Mahanadi, Subernarekha, and Brahmani Basins.- 14 Krishna and Godavari Basins.- 15 Cauvery and Pennar Basins.- 16 Other Basins and Islands.- Eminent water resources professionals who have made outstanding contributions in India.- Section 4: Water Uses, Projects, Problems, and Governance.- 17 Major Uses of Water in India.- 18 Problems Related to Water Resources Management in India.- 19 Reservoirs and Lakes in India.- 20 Water Quality and Related Aspects.- 21 Constitutional Provisions, Inter-state Water Disputes and Treaties.- 22 Inter Basin Water Transfer.- 23 Institutions in the Field of Hydrology and Water Resources.- 24 Concepts of Water Governance for India.- References.- Appendices.- A Abbreviations.- B Conversion of Factors.- C National Water Policy of India.- D Indian Standards related to Hydrology and Water Resources.- Index