Visualization and Quantification of Asphaltinic-Heavy Oil Displacement by Co-Solvents at Different Wettability Conditions

Abstract Despite numerous experimental studies, there is a lack of fundamental understanding on how the chemical composition of a co-solvent at different wettability conditions might affect the pore-scale events and oil recovery efficiency in 5-spot models. In this study visualization of solvent injection experiments performed on a one-quarter five spot glass micromodel, which was initially saturated with the crude oil. One hydrocarbon solvent was considered as base, and four other groups of commercial chemicals, as well as their mixtures, were used as co-solvents. Microscopic and macroscopic displacement efficiency of solvent mixtures in both strongly water-wet and oil-wet media has been studied. It has been observed that small aggregates of asphaltene can improve oil recovery to some extent during early stages of solvent injection. Different groups of chemicals showed various effects on oil recovery based on their nature. An optimum mixture with some percent of commercials containing alcohol group with greatest sweep efficiency was found. The observations confirmed that the presence of connate water in strongly water-wet medium could improve the final recovery, while the effect of wettability in absence of connate water was at minimum.