Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling

State-of-the-art image classification methods often use spatial pyramid matching or its variants to make use of the spatial layout of visual features. However, objects may appear at various places with different scales and orientations. Besides, traditionally object-centric-based methods only consider objects and the background without fully exploring the context information. To solve these problems, in this paper we propose a novel image classification method by jointly modeling the object, context, and background information (OCB). OCB consists of three components: 1) locate the positions of objects; 2) determine the context areas of objects; and 3) treat the other areas as the background. We use objectness proposal techniques to select candidate bounding boxes. Boxes with high confidence scores are combined to determine objects’ positions. To select the context areas, we use candidate boxes that have relatively lower confidence scores compared with boxes for object location selection. The other areas are viewed as the background. We jointly combine the object, context, and background for image representation and classification. Experiments on six data sets well demonstrate the superiority of the proposed OCB method over other spatial partition methods.

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