Methodology of Management of Dredging Operations II. Applications

This paper presents the new methodology of management of dredging operations. Derived partly from existing methodologies (OECD, PNUE, AIPCN), it aims to be more comprehensive, mixing the qualities and the complementarities of previous methodologies. The application of the methodology has been carried out on the site of the Port of Dunkirk (FRANCE). Thus, a characterization of the sediments of this site has allowed a zoning of the Port to be established in to zones of probable homogeneity of sediments. Moreover, sources of pollution have been identified, with an aim of prevention. Ways of waste improvement have also been developed, to answer regional needs, from a point of view of competitive and territorial intelligence. Their development has required a mutualisation of resources between professionals, research centres and local communities, according to principles of industrial ecology. Lastly, a tool of MultiCriteria Decision-Making Aid (M.C.D.M.A.) has been used to determine the most relevant scenario (or alternative, or action) for a dredging operation intended by the Port of Dunkirk. These applications have confirmed the relevance of this methodology for the management of dredging operations.