Avaliaçao ultrassonografia da ecogenicidade do parênquima testicular como exame complementar no andrológico de carneiros

SUMMARY: The present study aimed to standardize an ultrasonogram method to testicular parenchyma in andrological sheep (n = 6). We made testicular biometric, spermiogram and testicular parenchyma ultrasonography, carrying images of the testicular parenchyma and measured the percentage of the echogenicity in gray scale on the device itself, correlating with the biometrics data and spermiogram. There were positive correlations between echogenicity and sperm concentration (p = 0.0192 and r2 = 0.4373) and between echogenicity and mass motility (p = 0.0358 and r2 = 0.37), demonstrating that the method is efficient to detect abnormal scrotal asymptomatic by conventional tests, contributing to animal breeding.