Neutron flux measurements using scintillator-photodiode-preamplifier system and new types of scintillators

After the Chernobyl catastrophe among the problems of current concern a question arose of detection of 'hot' particles formed from plutonium alloys with carbon, nitrogen, silicon, etc. For this purpose, the instruments are needed, which would be able to detect not only alpha- particles and low energy gamma-radiation, but also neutrons and high energy gamma-quanta from ((alpha) , n(gamma) ) - reactions. At present for each kind of radiation detectors of different types are used. A general drawback of all these instruments is their narrow dynamic range of dose rates and energies, and especially impossibility to registrate n-flux in condition large background activity gamma-rays nuclei, which makes each of them applicable only under certain specific conditions. For detection of 'hot' particles, oxide and semiconductor scintillators were used, which contained elements with large capture cross section for thermal neutrons. In this paper we try to determine possibilities and limitations of solid-state neutron detectors based on CdS(Te), ZnSe(Te), CdWO4 (CWO), Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillators developed and produced by the Science and Technology Center for Radiation Instruments of the Institute for Single Crystals. The instruments developed by Center are based preferable on a very promising system 'scintillator- photodiode-preamplifier' matched with modern computer data processing techniques.