Aves depositadas no Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres do IBAMA na Paraíba: uma amostra do tráfico de aves silvestres no estado
ABSTRACT. Birds deposited in the Center of Triage of Wild Animals of the IBAMA in the state of Paraiba, Brazil . The traffic of wild animals became an important factor of reduction of biodiversity in Brazil, contributing with an annual withdrawal of about 38 million of wild specimen of the nature. The index of mortality of captured specimens arrives 90% due to the bad conditions of capture and transport. With the objective of to evaluate the illegal commerce of wild birds in the state of the Paraiba, they had been analyzed, identified and quantified the birds deposited in the Center of Triage of Wild Animals of the IBAMA in the state of Paraiba (CETAS-IBAMA/PB) in the period from August of 2006 to the July of 2007. During this period, 2.283 birds had been deposited (88% of the total of deposited animals), of 98 species, 32 families and 15 orders. Amongst the deposited birds, 84% had resulted of apprehension, 9% of voluntary delivery and 7% of rescue. Individuals of the Passeriformes order (79%), of the Emberizidae family (55%) and of the Sporophila generum (32%) had predominated. This predominance is also observed in the national scope, what it demonstrates the preference for specimens of these taxa. The species Paroaria dominicana (n=214), Sicalis flaveola (n=212), Sporophila albogularis (n=227), S. bouvreuil (n=135), S. nigricollis (n=269), and Cyanoloxia brissonii (n=159) were about 53% of the total of deposited birds. The biggest apprehensions had occurred in the cities of Joao Pessoa (n=615), Campina Grande (n=471) and Guarabira (n=242). The presence of species as Pionites leucogaster, Paroaria coronata, Curaeus forbesi, amongst others, suggests an importation of birds of other states and regions. It has been registered three threatened species: Sporagra yarrellii, C. forbesi, and Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, and 8 species endemic of the Caatinga ecosystem. KEY WORDS. CETAS, Paraiba, wild animals traffic. RESUMO. O trafico de animais silvestres vem sendo um importante fator de reducao da biodiversidade no Brasil, contribuindo com uma retirada anual de cerca de 38 milhoes de especimes silvestres da natureza. O indice de mortalidade dos especimes capturados chega a 90% devido as mas condicoes de captura e transporte. Objetivando avaliar o comercio ilegal de aves silvestres no estado da Paraiba, foram analisadas, identificadas e quantificadas as aves depositadas no Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres do IBAMA na Paraiba (CETAS-IBAMA/PB) no periodo de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007. Durante esse periodo, foram depositadas 2.283 aves (88% do total de animais depositados), compreendendo 98 especies, 32 familias e 15 ordens. Dentre as aves depositadas, 84% resultaram de apreensao, 9% de entrega voluntaria e 7% de resgate. Predominaram individuos da ordem Passeriformes (79%), da familia Emberizidae (55%) e do genero Sporophila (32%). Essa predominância tambem e observada no âmbito nacional, o que demonstra a preferencia por especimes desses taxons. As especies Paroaria dominicana (n=214), Sicalis flaveola (n=212), Sporophila albogularis (n=227), S. bouvreuil (n=135), S. nigricollis (n=269) e Cyanoloxia brissonii (n=159) compreenderam cerca de 53% do total de aves depositadas. Nos municipios de Joao Pessoa (n=615), Campina Grande (n=471) e Guarabira (n=242) ocorreram as maiores apreensoes. A presenca de especies como Pionites leucogaster, Paroaria coronata, Curaeus forbesi, dentre outras, sugere importacao de aves de outros estados e regioes. Foram registradas tres especies ameacadas de extincao: Sporagra yarrellii, C. forbesi e Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, alem de 8 especies endemicas da caatinga. PALAVRAS-CHAVE. CETAS, Paraiba, trafico de animais silvestres.
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