Electromagnetic Smart Valves for Cryogenic Applications
Electromagnetic valves with smart control capability have been developed and demonstrated for use in the cold end of a Collins‐style cryocooler. The toroidal geometry of the valves was developed utilizing a finite‐element code and optimized for maximum opening force with minimum input current. Electromagnetic smart valves carry two primary benefits in cryogenic applications: 1) magnetic actuation eliminates the need for mechanical linkages and 2) valve timing can be modified during system cool down and in regular operation for cycle optimization.The smart feature of these electromagnetic valves resides in controlling the flow of current into the magnetic coil. Electronics have been designed to shape the valve actuation current, limiting the residence time of magnetic energy in the winding. This feature allows control of flow through the expander via an electrical signal while dissipating less than 0.0071 J/cycle as heat into the cold end.The electromagnetic smart valves have demonstrated reliable, control...