Stainless Verification System Tutorial
Stainless ( is an open-source tool for verifying and finding errors in programs written in the Scala programming language. This tutorial will not assume any knowledge of Scala. It aims to get first-time users started with verification tasks by introducing the language, providing modelling and verification tips, and giving a glimpse of the tool’s inner workings (encoding into functional programs, function unfolding, and using theories of satisfiability modulo theory solvers Z3 and CVC4).Stainless (and its predecessor, Leon) has been developed primarily in the EPFL’s Laboratory for Automated Reasoning and Analysis in the period from 2011-2021. Its core specification and implementation language are typed recursive higher-order functional programs (imperative programs are also supported by automated translation to their functional semantics). Stainless can verify that functions are correct for all inputs with respect to provided preconditions and postconditions, it can prove that functions terminate (with optionally provided termination measure functions), and it can provide counter-examples to safety properties. Stainless enables users to write code that is both executed and verified using the same source files. Users can compile programs using the Scala compiler and run them on the JVM. For programs that adhere to certain discipline, users can generate source code in a small fragment of C and then use standard C compilers.