Iteration-phase retrieval for quiet zone of compact antenna test ranges

An iteration-phase retrieval method for quiet zone of compact antenna test ranges is proposed in this paper. The missing phase can be attained with field amplitude-only data on two parallel planes and initial random spatial phase processed interactively by an algorithm. Thus, a combined Gerchberg–Saxton and hybrid input–output (GS/HIO) algorithm is considered. In order to avoid aliasing effect, the size of data on each plane are enlarged with the same number of zeros padded before iteration, and then reduced into the original size after the propagation of angular spectrum. The required data, sampled at 220GHz with half-wavelength, are obtained through GRASP simulation software. The validity of the method is verified with MATLAB. The results show that the GS/HIO algorithm with zero padded has more effective than without zero padded. The maximum phase deviation in quiet zone (±0.35 m) of x and y-axis is less than 0.72°.