Named Entity System for Tweets in Hindi Language

Duetothegrowingneedofsmart-healthapplicationsinHindilanguage,thereisarapiddemandfor health-relatedNamedEntityRecognition(NER)systemforHindi.Forthepurposeofthesame,this researchconsidersTwittersocialnetworktoextracttweetsdated1stOctober2016to15thOctober2017 fromPatanjali,DaburandotherHindilanguage-orientedTwitterbasedhealthsites;whileconsidering fourNEtypes-Person,Disease,ConsumableandOrganization.Tothebestofitsknowledge,the consideredTwitterdatasetandNEtypesforHindilanguageisoneofthefirstresourcesthatisbeing takencare.ThisarticleintroducesthreestageNERsystemforTweetsinHindilanguage(HinTwtNER system)-pre-processingstage;machineLearningstage(HyperspaceAnaloguetoLanguage(HAL) andConditionalRandomField(CRF));andpost-processingstage.HinTwtNERlooksintobinary featuresandachievesanoverallF-scoreof49.87%whichiscomparabletotheTwitterbasedNER systemsforEnglishandotherlanguages. KEywoRdS Analogue to Language, Conditional Random Field, Hindi, Hyperspace Machine Learning, Named Entity Recognition, Online Social Network, Tweets, Twitter

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