Rare earth doped fiber lasers and amplifiers

Rare earth doped fibre fabrication - techniques and physical properties, Jay R. Simpson optical and electronic properties of rare earth ions in glasses, Wiliam J. Miniscalco devices and configurations for fibre laser sources and amplifiers, Paul Urquhart theory of operation of laser fibre devices, Michael J.F. Digonnet Nd3+- and Er3+-doped silica fibre lasers, Michael J.F. Digonnet and E. Snitzer narrow line width and tunable fibre lasers, P.R. Morkel broadband operation of erbium- and neodymium-doped fibre sources, Paul F. Wysocki Q-switched fibre lasers, W.L. Barnes mode-locked fibre lasers, Mark W. Phillips rare earth doped heavy-metal fluoride glass fibres, J.S. Sanghera and I.D. Aggarwal erbium-doped fibre amplifiers - basic physics and characteristics, E. Desurvire applications of fibre amplifiers to telecommunications systems, Noboru Edagawa.