탄창 접이식 이중벽 화차 모델을 기반으로 한 조선시대 망암 변이중 화차 복원

A fire cart is a weapon that holds primary guns such as a Seungja Chongtong, and fires it in order to attack enemies. It was used in the Joseon dynasty, and is seen as the early model of the modern tank. In 1593, Byun Eeejoong had invented a new model of a fire cart. Specifically, the military use of the cart has greatly helped admiral Gwon Yul of Joseon during the Haengjusanseong siege in February, 1593. In the light of such events, the Byun Eejoong fire cart has significant historical importance. Nevertheless, the Byun Eejoong fire cart is left unverified as both artifacts and related research are meager, with only one crude blueprint left by Byun Eeejoong in his book, Mangamjip. Thus, this paper aims to examine the existing hypothesis on the Byun Eejoong fire cart, its pros and cons, and develop a new hypothesis based on the blueprint by Byun considering the technological limits of the age. We looked into the possible mechanism of the cart and how the guns are used and reloaded. We have proposed the restoration based on the foldable magazine double wall hypothesis, designed to operate with the help of gravity.