The Hubbard model : its physics and mathematical physics
Introduction. Solvable Models, Rigorous Results, and Advances in Formalism: The Hubbard Model: Some Rigorous Results and Open Problems E.H. Lieb. On the Bethe Ansatz Soluble Degenerate Hubbard Model H. Frahm, A. Schadschneider. Infinite in all Dimensions: Large Coupling, High Dimensions, Many Components: The Mott Transition in Infinite Dimensions: Old Ideas and Some Surprises G. KIotliar, M.J. Rozenberg. The Hubbard Model with Infinite Interaction: Magnetic Properties V.Ya. Krivnov, et al. Fermi Liquid versus Luttinger Liquid: Two Particle Scattering and Orthogonality Catastrophe in the Hubbard Model W. Metzner. Conservation Laws in Normal Metals: Luttinger Liquid vs. Fermi Liquid C. Di Castro, et al. Perturbative, Mean Field, Variational, and Numerical Studies: Hartree-Fock and RPA Studies of the Hubbard Model G. Guinea, et al. The Wavefunction Renormalization Constant for the One- and Two-band Hubbard Hamiltonians in Two Dimensions E. Louis, et al. Experiments and Physical Applications: Electron Spectroscopy and Hubbard: Issues and Opportunities J.W. Allen, et al. On Electrical Properties of Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors in the Framework of Hubbard Model with Negative Correlation Energy S.D. Savransky. 34 additional articles. Index.