Volcano observatory best practices (VOBP) workshops - a summary of findings and best-practice recommendations

We summarize major findings and best-practice recommendations from three Volcano Observatory Best Practices (VOBP) workshops, which were held in 2011, 2013 and 2016. The workshops brought together representatives from the majority of the world’s volcano observatories for the purpose of sharing information on the operation and practice of these institutions and making best practice recommendations. The first workshop focused on eruption forecasting, the second on hazard communication, and the third on long-term hazard assessment. Subsequent VOBP workshops will address additional issues of broad interest to the international volcano observatory community. The objective of VOBP is to develop synergy among volcano hazards programs and their observatories internationally, so as to more rapidly and broadly advance the field of applied volcanology. Each of the workshop summaries presented here include best practice recommendations for consideration by the world’s volcano observatories.

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[19]  Roger M. Cooke,et al.  Expert Judgement and the Montserrat Volcano Eruption , 1998 .

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[21]  P. Mothes,et al.  Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador: structure, eruptive history and hazards , 1999 .

[22]  Jean-Claude Thouret,et al.  Toward a revised hazard assessment at Merapi volcano, Central Java , 2000 .

[23]  A. Harris,et al.  Automated volcanic eruption detection using MODIS , 2001 .

[24]  D. Rothery,et al.  A simple explanation for the space-based calculation of lava eruption rates , 2001 .

[25]  Paola Petrosino,et al.  Long-term volcanic hazard forecasts based on Somma-Vesuvio past eruptive activity , 2001 .

[26]  A. Jolly,et al.  A conceptual model of the Mount Spurr magmatic system from seismic and geochemical observations of the 1992 Crater Peak eruption sequence , 2002 .

[27]  Christopher G Newhall,et al.  Constructing event trees for volcanic crises , 2002 .

[28]  R. Sparks,et al.  Forecasting volcanic eruptions , 2003 .

[29]  H. Zebker,et al.  A new method for measuring deformation on volcanoes and other natural terrains using InSAR persistent scatterers , 2004 .

[30]  Paul W. Taylor,et al.  Maximising Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Government and Community Volcanic Hazard Management Programs; A Case Study from Savo, Solomon Islands , 2004 .

[31]  K. Kazahaya,et al.  Gigantic SO2 emission from Miyakejima volcano, Japan, caused by caldera collapse , 2004 .

[32]  T. L. Murray,et al.  An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: Framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System , 2005 .

[33]  Arlene Laing,et al.  Probabilistic modeling of tephra dispersal: Hazard assessment of a multiphase rhyolitic eruption at Tarawera, New Zealand , 2005 .

[34]  R. Scandone,et al.  Statistical analysis of the historical activity of Mount Etna, aimed at the evaluation of volcanic hazard , 2006 .

[35]  T. Nakano,et al.  Imaging the conduit size of the dome with cosmic‐ray muons: The structure beneath Showa‐Shinzan Lava Dome, Japan , 2007 .

[36]  J. Ewert System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes , 2007 .

[37]  Paolo Papale,et al.  Forecasting Etna eruptions by real-time observation of volcanic gas composition , 2007 .

[38]  Warner Marzocchi,et al.  Probabilistic eruption forecasting and the call for an evacuation , 2007 .

[39]  M. Edmonds,et al.  New geochemical insights into volcanic degassing , 2008, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[40]  W. Aspinall,et al.  Developing an Event Tree for probabilistic hazard and risk assessment at Vesuvius , 2008 .

[41]  W. Marzocchi,et al.  BET_EF: a probabilistic tool for long- and short-term eruption forecasting , 2008 .

[42]  Servando De la Cruz-Reyna,et al.  A statistical method linking geological and historical eruption time series for volcanic hazard estimations: Applications to active polygenetic volcanoes , 2008 .

[43]  A. McGonigle,et al.  Unmanned aerial vehicle measurements of volcanic carbon dioxide fluxes , 2008 .

[44]  J. Hirabayashi,et al.  Mechanism of explosive eruption revealed by geophysical observations at the Sakurajima, Suwanosejima and Semeru volcanoes , 2008 .

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[46]  Douglas Paton,et al.  Risk perception and volcanic hazard mitigation: Individual and social perspectives , 2008 .

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[50]  Juliet Biggs,et al.  Multiple inflation and deflation events at Kenyan volcanoes, East African Rift , 2009 .

[51]  B. Voight,et al.  Objective rapid delineation of areas at risk from block-and-ash pyroclastic flows and surges , 2009 .

[52]  T. Caltabiano,et al.  Deformation and eruptions at Mt. Etna (Italy): A lesson from 15 years of observations , 2009 .

[53]  Daniel Dzurisin,et al.  Continuing inflation at Three Sisters volcanic center, central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, from GPS, leveling, and InSAR observations , 2009 .

[54]  Michael Siegrist,et al.  Effect of Risk Ladder Format on Risk Perception in High‐ and Low‐Numerate Individuals , 2009, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[55]  Christoph Kern,et al.  Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)—A global network for volcanic gas monitoring: Network layout and instrument description , 2010 .

[56]  Abani K. Patra,et al.  Probabilistic digital hazard maps for avalanches and massive pyroclastic flows using TITAN2D , 2010 .

[57]  H. Wehrmann,et al.  Eruption time series statistically examined: Probabilities of future eruptions at Villarrica and Llaima Volcanoes, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile , 2010 .

[58]  Mike Burton,et al.  Unusually large magmatic CO2 gas emissions prior to a basaltic paroxysm , 2010 .

[59]  W. Marzocchi,et al.  BET_VH: a probabilistic tool for long-term volcanic hazard assessment , 2010 .

[60]  Albert Ansmann,et al.  Evaluating the structure and magnitude of the ash plume during the initial phase of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption using lidar observations and NAME simulations , 2011 .

[61]  Carmen Keller,et al.  Using a Familiar Risk Comparison Within a Risk Ladder to Improve Risk Understanding by Low Numerates: A Study of Visual Attention , 2011, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[62]  Miguel A. Rico-Ramirez,et al.  EGU General Assembly , 2011 .

[63]  Warner Marzocchi,et al.  Combining long- and short-term probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment with cost-benefit analysis to support decision making in a volcanic crisis from the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand , 2012, Bulletin of Volcanology.

[64]  Hazard Mapping and Assessment for Effective Community-based Disaster Risk Management (READY) Project , 2011 .

[65]  Warner Marzocchi,et al.  The scientific management of volcanic crises , 2012 .

[66]  L. Muffler,et al.  Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California , 2012 .

[67]  R. Denlinger,et al.  Ash3d: A finite-volume, conservative numerical model for ash transport and tephra deposition , 2012 .

[68]  J. Biggs,et al.  Monitoring Volcanoes , 2012, Science.

[69]  S. Carlino The process of resurgence for Ischia Island (southern Italy) since 55 ka: the laccolith model and implications for eruption forecasting , 2012, Bulletin of Volcanology.

[70]  Falk Amelung,et al.  Precursory inflation of shallow magma reservoirs at west Sunda volcanoes detected by InSAR , 2012 .

[71]  Thomas H. Jordan Lessons of L’Aquila for Operational Earthquake Forecasting , 2012 .

[72]  W. Marzocchi,et al.  Operational eruption forecasting at high-risk volcanoes: the case of Campi Flegrei, Naples , 2012, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[73]  Surono,et al.  The 2010 explosive eruption of Java's Merapi volcano—A ‘100-year’ event , 2012 .

[74]  L. Muffler,et al.  Eruption probabilities for the Lassen Volcanic Center and regional volcanism, northern California, and probabilities for large explosive eruptions in the Cascade Range , 2012 .

[75]  Warner Marzocchi,et al.  Probabilistic eruption forecasting at short and long time scales , 2012, Bulletin of Volcanology.

[76]  K. Cashman Volatile Controls on Magma Ascent and Eruption , 2013 .

[77]  David Fee,et al.  An overview of volcano infrasound: From hawaiian to plinian, local to global , 2013 .

[78]  Paul Segall,et al.  Volcano deformation and eruption forecasting , 2013 .

[79]  David J. Schneider,et al.  Merapi 2010 eruption—Chronology and extrusion rates monitored with satellite radar and used in eruption forecasting , 2013 .

[80]  Giovanna Cultrera,et al.  The L'Aquila trial , 2013 .

[81]  Christina A. Neal,et al.  Degassing of CO2, SO2, and H2S associated with the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska , 2013 .

[82]  Craig Miller,et al.  A model for developing best practice volcano monitoring: a combined threat assessment, consultation and network effectiveness approach , 2014, Natural Hazards.

[83]  Tamsin A. Mather,et al.  Remote sensing of volcanoes and volcanic processes: integrating observation and modelling – introduction , 2013 .

[84]  Hiroshi Shinohara,et al.  Composition of volcanic gases emitted during repeating Vulcanian eruption stage of Shinmoedake, Kirishima volcano, Japan , 2013, Earth, Planets and Space.

[85]  F. Beauducel,et al.  Overview of the 2006 eruption of Mt. Merapi , 2013 .

[86]  D. Schneider,et al.  Injection, transport, and deposition of tephra during event 5 at Redoubt Volcano, 23 March, 2009 , 2013 .

[87]  T. Ricci,et al.  Vesuvio civil protection exercise MESIMEX: survey on volcanic risk perception , 2013 .

[88]  R. Sparks,et al.  A statistical analysis of the global historical volcanic fatalities record , 2013, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[89]  B. Chouet,et al.  Seismic observations of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska - 1989-2010 and a conceptual model of the Redoubt magmatic system , 2013 .

[90]  P. Mothes,et al.  Risk reduction through community-based monitoring: the vigías of Tungurahua, Ecuador , 2014, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[91]  R. S. J. Sparks,et al.  Global link between deformation and volcanic eruption quantified by satellite imagery , 2014, Nature Communications.

[92]  Zhong Lu,et al.  InSAR Imaging of Aleutian Volcanoes , 2014 .

[93]  R. White,et al.  Advances in volcano monitoring and risk reduction in Latin America , 2014 .

[94]  John S. Pallister,et al.  Supplementary material for Newhall and Pallister (2014) Using multiple data sets to populate probabilistic volcanic event trees , 2014 .

[95]  Sarah K. Brown,et al.  Characterisation of the Quaternary eruption record: analysis of the Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions (LaMEVE) database , 2014, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[96]  Joan Martí,et al.  Long-term volcanic hazard assessment on El Hierro (Canary Islands) , 2014 .

[97]  Zhong Lu,et al.  InSAR Imaging of Aleutian Volcanoes: Monitoring a Volcanic Arc from Space , 2014 .

[98]  Sarah K. Brown,et al.  Global volcanic hazards and risk: Summary background paper for the UN-ISDR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 , 2015 .

[99]  R. Wolpert,et al.  The longevity of lava dome eruptions , 2015, 1512.08495.

[100]  S. Andreastuti,et al.  Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk: The importance of communication in hazard zone areas: case study during and after 2010 Merapi eruption, Indonesia , 2015 .

[101]  E. Calder,et al.  Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk: Volcanic hazard maps , 2015 .

[102]  R. Iverson,et al.  Debris flow runup on vertical barriers and adverse slopes , 2015 .

[103]  F. Flandoli,et al.  Quantifying volcanic hazard at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) with uncertainty assessment: 2. Pyroclastic density current invasion maps , 2015 .

[104]  G. Natale,et al.  Observatory response to a volcanic crisis: the Campi Flegrei simulation exercise , 2015 .

[105]  Richard Bretton,et al.  Implications of legal scrutiny processes (including the L’Aquila trial and other recent court cases) for future volcanic risk governance , 2015, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[106]  Sarah K. Brown,et al.  Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk: Frontmatter , 2015 .

[107]  D. M. Thomas,et al.  A Broadly-Based Training Program in Volcano Hazards Monitoring at the Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes , 2015 .

[108]  Sarah K. Brown,et al.  Global distribution of volcanic threat , 2015 .

[109]  J. Pallister Global Volcanic Hazards and Risk: Volcano Disaster Assistance Program: Preventing volcanic crises from becoming disasters and advancing science diplomacy , 2015 .

[110]  Freysteinn Sigmundsson,et al.  Segmented lateral dyke growth in a rifting event at Bárðarbunga volcanic system, Iceland , 2014, Nature.

[111]  Deanne Bird,et al.  Role of Social Media and Networking in Volcanic Crises and Communication , 2015 .

[112]  Agust Gudmundsson,et al.  Forecasting magma-chamber rupture at Santorini volcano, Greece , 2015, Scientific Reports.

[113]  Iavcei Task Group on Crisis Protocols Toward IAVCEI guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of scientists involved in volcanic hazard evaluation, risk mitigation, and crisis response , 2016 .

[114]  S. Ogburn,et al.  The Eruption Forecasting Information System: Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Using Databases , 2016 .

[115]  G. Giordano,et al.  Toward IAVCEI guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of scientists involved in volcanic hazard evaluation, risk mitigation, and crisis response , 2016, Bulletin of Volcanology.

[116]  A. Neri,et al.  Effects of eruption source parameter variation and meteorological dataset on tephra fallout hazard assessment: example from Vesuvius (Italy) , 2016, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[117]  F. Arzilli,et al.  Constraining pre-eruptive magma conditions and unrest timescales during the Monte Nuovo eruption (1538 ad; Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy): integrating textural and CSD results from experimental and natural trachy-phonolites , 2016, Bulletin of Volcanology.

[118]  J. Lindsay,et al.  Application of the probabilistic model BET_UNREST during a volcanic unrest simulation exercise in Dominica, Lesser Antilles , 2016 .

[119]  Benjamin Bernard,et al.  Juvenile magma recognition and eruptive dynamics inferred from the analysis of ash time series: The 2015 reawakening of Cotopaxi volcano , 2016 .

[120]  J. Romero,et al.  Tephra fall at Tungurahua Volcano (Ecuador) – 1999-2014: An Example of Tephra Accumulation from a Long-lasting Eruptive Cycle , 2016 .

[121]  C. Cassisi,et al.  Probabilistic Reasoning Over Seismic Time Series: Volcano Monitoring by Hidden Markov Models at Mt. Etna , 2016, Pure and Applied Geophysics.

[122]  R. White,et al.  Volcano-tectonic earthquakes: A new tool for estimating intrusive volumes and forecasting eruptions , 2016 .

[123]  David Crisp,et al.  Spaceborne detection of localized carbon dioxide sources , 2017, Science.

[124]  S. Hurwitz,et al.  Probing magma reservoirs to improve volcano forecasts , 2017 .

[125]  C. Fearnley,et al.  Volcano Crisis Communication: Challenges and Solutions in the 21st Century , 2017 .

[126]  G. Natale,et al.  Sensitivity test and ensemble hazard assessment for tephra fallout at Campi Flegrei, Italy , 2017 .

[127]  J. Lindsay,et al.  Volcanic Hazard Maps; the results and progress made by the IAVCEI Hazard Map working group , 2017 .

[128]  R. Sparks,et al.  Dynamic Magma Systems: Implications for Forecasting Volcanic Activity , 2017 .

[129]  Paolo Papale,et al.  Rational volcanic hazard forecasts and the use of volcanic alert levels , 2017, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[130]  Bob Blakley,et al.  Conceptual Model , 2017, Encyclopedia of GIS.

[131]  R. Perroy,et al.  Lava flow hazard prediction and monitoring with UAS: a case study from the 2014–2015 Pāhoa lava flow crisis, Hawai‘i , 2017, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[132]  Fidel Costa,et al.  WOVOdat – An online, growing library of worldwide volcanic unrest , 2017 .

[133]  Marco Liuzzo,et al.  Implementation of electrochemical, optical and denuder-based sensors and sampling techniques on UAV for volcanic gas measurements: examples from Masaya, Turrialba and Stromboli volcanoes , 2018 .

[134]  Daniel Sierra,et al.  Evolution of the 2015 Cotopaxi Eruption Revealed by Combined Geochemical and Seismic Observations , 2018, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

[135]  D. W. Ramsey,et al.  2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment , 2018 .

[136]  J. Gottsmann,et al.  Hazard communication by volcanologists: part 2 - quality standards for volcanic hazard assessments , 2018, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[137]  M. Ripepe,et al.  Infrasonic Early Warning System for Explosive Eruptions , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

[138]  D. Dzurisin Mount St. Helens Retrospective: Lessons Learned Since 1980 and Remaining Challenges , 2018, Front. Earth Sci..

[139]  J. Gottsmann,et al.  Hazard communication by volcanologists: Part 1 - Framing the case for contextualisation and related quality standards in volcanic hazard assessments , 2018, Journal of Applied Volcanology.

[140]  D. R. Crandell,et al.  Potential Hazards from Future Eruptions of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington , 2018 .

[141]  M. Mermillod,et al.  Influence of uncertainty on framed decision-making with moral dilemma , 2018, PloS one.

[142]  C. Fearnley,et al.  Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication , 2018 .

[143]  H. Gunawan,et al.  Monitoring, forecasting collapse events, and mapping pyroclastic deposits at Sinabung volcano with satellite imagery , 2019, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

[144]  T. Vennemann,et al.  Geochemical and petrological diversity of mafic magmas from Mount St. Helens , 2019, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[145]  R. White,et al.  Using a process-based model of pre-eruptive seismic patterns to forecast evolving eruptive styles at Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia , 2017, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

[146]  D. R. Crandell,et al.  Volcanic Hazards at Mount Rainier, Washington , 2019 .

[147]  R. White,et al.  A process-based model of pre-eruption seismicity patterns and its use for eruption forecasting at dormant stratovolcanoes , 2019, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

[148]  O. Bachmann,et al.  The genesis of arc dacites: the case of Mount St. Helens, WA , 2019, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[149]  Agus Budianto,et al.  Character of community response to volcanic crises at Sinabung and Kelud volcanoes , 2017, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.