High performing building as a pier for sustainable tourism in the protected area of bracciano lake in Italy

This work deals with the design of an energy highly performing wooden building on the lake shore, inside the protected area of Bracciano-Martignano (Italy, neighbourhood of Rome). It is a structure housing a bar, a box office and a small pier for a mini-cruise service, with the view of promoting sustainable tourism in the Trevignano area. Up to now, according to local legislation, only electrically powered navigation is allowed in Bracciano Lake: the mini-cruise service, utilizing a boat used no longer by the coast guard and carrying 20 people at most, will be equipped with an electrical device of 8.6 kWp integrated with the roof of the building. The architecture and plant designs of the wooden building are based on new envelope technologies solutions with a large use of local natural materials and pre-fabricated systems. According to Italian regulations on building energy classification, the designed building is classified “A+”, the best efficiency class, due to a high performing wooden envelope system associated with remarkable production of electrical and thermal solar energy. The green building certification system, the so called “Protocollo Itaca”, shows that the structure design (classified in the second best category) is an important pattern of eco-architecture and of strategy against the loss of biodiversity. Eco-Architecture IV 175 www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line) WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 165, © 201 WIT Press 2 doi:10.2495/ARC120161