Development of Agent Logic Programming Means for Multichannel Intelligent Video Surveillance

Experimental means in the Actor Prolog parallel object- oriented logic language for implementation of heterogenous multichannel intelligent visual surveiance systems are considered. These means are examined by the instance of a logic program for permanent monitoring of peopele's body parts temperature in the area of visual surveillance. The logic programm implements a fusion of heterogenouse data acqiured by two devices:(1) 3D coordinates of humen body are measured using a time-of -flight (ToF) camera; (2) 3D coordinates of humen body sceleton are computed on the base of 3D coordinates of the body; в(3) a thermal video is ascquiren using a thermal imaging camera.Special built-in care developed in the Actor Prolog language for the acquisition and analysis of 3D and 2D video data. The logic programming means under consideration are developed for the purpose of the implementation of logical analysis of video scene semantics in the intelligent visual survaillance systems