A characterization of complete matroid base graphs

Abstract This study grew from an attempt to give a local analysis of matroid base graphs. A neighborhood-preserving covering of graphs p:G → H is one such that p restricted to every neighborhood in G is an isomorphism. This concept arises naturally when considering graphs with a prescribed set of local properties. A characterization is given of all connected graphs with two local properties: (a) there is a pair of adjacent points, the intersection of whose neighborhoods does not contain three mutually nonadjacent points; (b) the intersection of the neigh-borhoods of points two apart is a 4-cycle. Such graphs have neighborhoods of the form Kn × Km for fixed n, m and are either complete matroid base graphs or are their images under neighborhood-preserving coverings. If n ≠ m, the graph is unique; if n = m, there are n − 3 such images which are nontrivial. These examples prove that no set of properties of bounded diameter can characterize matroid base graphs.