Abstrak Pada kegiatan distribusi bantuan logistik untuk korban bencana alam, terdapat beberapa permasalahan antara lain penumpukan barang bantuan di titik tertentu namun terjadi kekurangan pada titik lain atau sebaliknya bantuan yang diberikan terlalu banyak dan kurang bermanfaat. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan kurangnya informasi mengenai data korban bencana, data jenis bantuan yang diperlukan dan data bantuan yang telah tersedia. Guna mewujudkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam distribusi logistik bantuan bencana diperlukan sistem informasi yang dapat mendukung distribusi bantuan logistik secara tepat waktu, tepat lokasi, tepat kuantitas dan sesuai kebutuhan. Perancangan sistem informasi ini meliputi pengumpulan data, analisis sistem, desain sistem, implementasi dan analisis terhadap hasil pengujian. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada BPPD Kabupaten Magelang, dimana proses manajemen bantuan logistik yang dilakukan terdiri dari fase perencanaan dan fase penerimaan atau pengadaan bantuan. Sistem informasi yang telah dibangun dapat mempercepat perhitungan jenis dan jumlah komoditi yang dibutuhkan. Selain itu, dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, pencatatan penerimaan bantuan dapat disinkronisasi sehingga seluruh komoditi yang telah tersedia di masing-masing lokasi dapat diketahui. Output sistem informasi ini dapat dipublikasikan secara luas kepada masyarakat, sehingga respon penanggulangan terhadap bencana akan lebih  cepat dan efektif. Abstract Information System Development for Disaster Relief Logistics - Case Study in BPPD Magelang District. In the disaster relief logistics distribution, there are some problems such as the excess of goods aid at a certain point but there is a shortage at another point or overamount of goods aid that being not useful. The problem is due to lack of information about the data of disaster victims, data of the type and amount of humanitarian aid needed and goods aid that already provided. In order to realize efficiency and effectiveness in the distribution of disaster relief logistics, an information system that can support the distribution of relief disaster logistics by on time, precise location and precise quantity is needed. This information system development consist of data collection, system analysis, system design, implementation and analysis of test results. This research was conducted at BPPD of Magelang District, where the logistic aid management process consisted of planning and receiving phase or procurement phase. Information systems that have been built are able to accelerate the calculation of the type and number of goods aid. In addition, with this information system, recording of aid receipts can be synchronized so that all goodes aid that have been available in each locations can be known. The output of this information system can be widely published, so that the disaster responses will be faster and more effective. Keywords : Information System; Relief Disaster Logistic; Disaster