Long-term Climate Change: Projections, Commitments and Irreversibility

This chapter assesses long-term projections of climate change for the end of the 21st century and beyond, where the forced signal depends on the scenario and is typically larger than the internal variability of the climate system. Changes are expressed with respect to a baseline period of 1986–2005, unless otherwise stated.

[1]  L. Rossetti A Simple Framework , 2015 .

[2]  E. Forootan,et al.  Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes over the Greater Horn of Africa region from 1961 to 2010 , 2014 .

[3]  The potential of pattern scaling for projecting temperature‐related extreme indices , 2014 .

[4]  S. Seneviratne,et al.  Comparing IPCC assessments: how do the AR4 and SREX assessments of changes in extremes differ? , 2015, Climatic Change.

[5]  M. M. Arzhanov,et al.  Transient hysteresis of near-surface permafrost response to external forcing , 2014, Climate Dynamics.

[6]  Kai Zhang,et al.  MAC‐v1: A new global aerosol climatology for climate studies , 2013 .

[7]  P. Dirmeyer,et al.  Evolving Land-Atmosphere Interactions over North America from CMIP5 Simulations , 2013 .

[8]  Myles R. Allen,et al.  Constraining the Ratio of Global Warming to Cumulative CO2 Emissions Using CMIP5 Simulations , 2013 .

[9]  Ping Liu,et al.  Historical Evaluation and Future Prediction of Eastern North American and Western Atlantic Extratropical Cyclones in the CMIP5 Models during the Cool Season , 2013 .

[10]  V. Brovkin,et al.  Effect of Anthropogenic Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes on Climate and Land Carbon Storage in CMIP5 Projections for the Twenty-First Century , 2013 .

[11]  A. Hogg,et al.  Southern Ocean Circulation and Eddy Compensation in CMIP5 Models , 2013 .

[12]  Scott C. Doney,et al.  Twentieth-Century Oceanic Carbon Uptake and Storage in CESM1(BGC)* , 2013 .

[13]  Pierre Friedlingstein,et al.  Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Perspectives on a Scientific Assessment , 2013 .

[14]  Jean-Luc Redelsperger,et al.  The Present and Future of the West African Monsoon: A Process-Oriented Assessment of CMIP5 Simulations along the AMMA Transect , 2013 .

[15]  W. G. Strand,et al.  Climate Change Projections in CESM1(CAM5) Compared to CCSM4 , 2013 .

[16]  David B. Stephenson,et al.  A Multimodel Assessment of Future Projections of North Atlantic and European Extratropical Cyclones in the CMIP5 Climate Models , 2013 .

[17]  X. Xin,et al.  Climate Change Projections over East Asia with BCC_CSM1.1 Climate Model under RCP Scenarios , 2013 .

[18]  C. Jones,et al.  Estimating the Permafrost-Carbon Climate Response in the CMIP5 Climate Models Using a Simplified Approach , 2013 .

[19]  D. Notz Sea-ice extent provides a limited metric of model performance , 2013 .

[20]  David B. Stephenson,et al.  Simple Uncertainty Frameworks for Selecting Weighting Schemes and Interpreting Multimodel Ensemble Climate Change Experiments , 2013 .

[21]  P. Gent,et al.  Historical Antarctic mean sea ice area, sea ice trends, and winds in CMIP5 simulations , 2013 .

[22]  R. Stouffer,et al.  Reductions in labour capacity from heat stress under climate warming , 2013 .

[23]  Reto Knutti,et al.  Energy budget constraints on climate response , 2013 .

[24]  Gill Martin,et al.  Spatial Patterns of Precipitation Change in CMIP5: Why the Rich Do Not Get Richer in the Tropics , 2013 .

[25]  Richard G. Jones,et al.  No consensus on consensus: the challenge of finding a universal approach to measuring and mapping ensemble consistency in GCM projections , 2013, Climatic Change.

[26]  Muyin Wang,et al.  When will the summer Arctic be nearly sea ice free? , 2013 .

[27]  Li Zhang,et al.  Global carbon budgets simulated by the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model for the last century , 2013 .

[28]  Jean-Christophe Golaz,et al.  The roles of aerosol direct and indirect effects in past and future climate change , 2013 .

[29]  P. J. Young,et al.  Long‐term ozone changes and associated climate impacts in CMIP5 simulations , 2013 .

[30]  F. Doblas-Reyes,et al.  Multiyear climate predictions using two initialization strategies , 2013 .

[31]  S. Xie,et al.  Patterns of the seasonal response of tropical rainfall to global warming , 2013 .

[32]  Jian Ma,et al.  Regional Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature Change: A Source of Uncertainty in Future Projections of Precipitation and Atmospheric Circulation* , 2013 .

[33]  Yangchun Li,et al.  The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land system model, Spectral Version 2: FGOALS-s2 , 2013, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.

[34]  Bin Wang,et al.  The flexible global ocean-atmosphere-land system model, Grid-point Version 2: FGOALS-g2 , 2013, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.

[35]  G. Henderson,et al.  Speleothems Reveal 500,000-Year History of Siberian Permafrost , 2013, Science.

[36]  E. Manzini,et al.  Role of stratospheric dynamics in the ozone–carbon connection in the Southern Hemisphere , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[37]  J. Chiang,et al.  Increase in the range between wet and dry season precipitation , 2013 .

[38]  T. Bracegirdle,et al.  Assessment of Southern Ocean mixed-layer depths in CMIP5 models: Historical bias and forcing response , 2013 .

[39]  T. Roy,et al.  Assessment of Southern Ocean water mass circulation and characteristics in CMIP5 models: Historical bias and forcing response , 2013 .

[40]  Stephen Sitch,et al.  Simulated resilience of tropical rainforests to CO2-induced climate change , 2013 .

[41]  Elizabeth A. Barnes,et al.  Response of the Midlatitude Jets, and of Their Variability, to Increased Greenhouse Gases in the CMIP5 Models , 2013 .

[42]  Reto Knutti,et al.  Climate model genealogy: Generation CMIP5 and how we got there , 2013 .

[43]  F. Zwiers,et al.  Climate extremes indices in the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble: Part 2. Future climate projections , 2013 .

[44]  S. Bony,et al.  On the interpretation of inter-model spread in CMIP5 climate sensitivity estimates , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[45]  Charles D. Koven,et al.  Analysis of Permafrost Thermal Dynamics and Response to Climate Change in the CMIP5 Earth System Models , 2013 .

[46]  R. Haarsma,et al.  Anthropogenic changes of the thermal and zonal flow structure over Western Europe and Eastern North Atlantic in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[47]  Inez Y. Fung,et al.  Climate Sensitivity: Analysis of Feedback Mechanisms , 2013 .

[48]  M. Holland,et al.  The Role of Natural Versus Forced Change in Future Rapid Summer Arctic Ice Loss , 2013 .

[49]  M. Winton Sea Ice–Albedo Feedback and Nonlinear Arctic Climate Change , 2013 .

[50]  C. Bitz Some Aspects of Uncertainty in Predicting Sea Ice Thinning , 2013 .

[51]  M. Chin,et al.  Radiative forcing in the ACCMIP historical and future climate simulations , 2013 .

[52]  Anuj Srivastava,et al.  Updated analyses of temperature and precipitation extreme indices since the beginning of the twentieth century: The HadEX2 dataset , 2013 .

[53]  Ed Hawkins,et al.  The upper end of climate model temperature projections is inconsistent with past warming , 2013 .

[54]  E. Kowalczyk,et al.  The ACCESS coupled model: documentation of core CMIP5 simulations and initial results , 2013 .

[55]  J. Turner,et al.  An Initial Assessment of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent in the CMIP5 Models , 2013 .

[56]  B. Timbal,et al.  Changes in the Risk of Extratropical Cyclones in Eastern Australia , 2013 .

[57]  S. Bony,et al.  Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: from CMIP3 to CMIP5 , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[58]  F. Zwiers,et al.  Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes in the CMIP5 ensemble , 2013, Climatic Change.

[59]  T. Andrews,et al.  Evaluating adjusted forcing and model spread for historical and future scenarios in the CMIP5 generation of climate models , 2013 .

[60]  D. Bromwich,et al.  Central West Antarctica among the most rapidly warming regions on Earth , 2013 .

[61]  Xiaolan L. Wang,et al.  Are Greenhouse Gas Signals of Northern Hemisphere winter extra-tropical cyclone activity dependent on the identification and tracking algorithm? , 2013 .

[62]  Reto Knutti,et al.  Robust projections of combined humidity and temperature extremes , 2013 .

[63]  B. Sanderson On the estimation of systematic error in regression-based predictions of climate sensitivity , 2013, Climatic Change.

[64]  Manoj Joshi,et al.  An explanation for the difference between twentieth and twenty-first century land–sea warming ratio in climate models , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[65]  Tony Phillips,et al.  Assessment of surface winds over the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean sectors of the Southern Ocean in CMIP5 models: historical bias, forcing response, and state dependence , 2013 .

[66]  E. Chang,et al.  Storm-Track Activity in IPCC AR4/CMIP3 Model Simulations , 2013 .

[67]  H. Tsujino,et al.  Basic performance of a new earth system model of the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI-ESM1) , 2013 .

[68]  A. Dai Increasing drought under global warming in observations and models , 2013 .

[69]  D. Sexton,et al.  Interactions between perturbations to different Earth system components simulated by a fully-coupled climate model , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[70]  V. Alexeev,et al.  Polar amplification: is atmospheric heat transport important? , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[71]  Ed Hawkins,et al.  Identifying uncertainties in Arctic climate change projections , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[72]  H. Douville,et al.  The CNRM-CM5.1 global climate model: description and basic evaluation , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[73]  J. Dufresne,et al.  Aerosol and ozone changes as forcing for climate evolution between 1850 and 2100 , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[74]  S. Bony,et al.  Interpretation of the positive low-cloud feedback predicted by a climate model under global warming , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[75]  Jason Lowe,et al.  Abrupt CO2 experiments as tools for predicting and understanding CMIP5 representative concentration pathway projections , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[76]  J. Dufresne,et al.  The effects of aggressive mitigation on steric sea level rise and sea ice changes , 2013, Climate Dynamics.

[77]  M. Yoshimori,et al.  Can the Last Glacial Maximum constrain climate sensitivity? , 2012 .

[78]  S. Drijfhout,et al.  Is a Decline of AMOC Causing the Warming Hole above the North Atlantic in Observed and Modeled Warming Patterns , 2012 .

[79]  E. Chang,et al.  CMIP5 multimodel ensemble projection of storm track change under global warming , 2012 .

[80]  Zhaomin Wang,et al.  Representation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the CMIP5 climate models and future changes under warming scenarios , 2012 .

[81]  D. Lawrence,et al.  Diagnosing Present and Future Permafrost from Climate Models , 2012 .

[82]  Andrei P. Sokolov,et al.  Long-Term climate change commitment and reversibility: An EMIC intercomparison , 2013 .

[83]  Eelco J. Rohling,et al.  Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity , 2012, Nature.

[84]  V. Brovkin,et al.  The influence of vegetation dynamics on anthropogenic climate change , 2012 .

[85]  R. Betts,et al.  Role of vegetation change in future climate under the A1B scenario and a climate stabilisation scenario, using the HadCM3C Earth system model , 2012 .

[86]  M. Holland,et al.  Constraining projections of summer Arctic sea ice , 2012 .

[87]  C. Deser,et al.  Slowdown of the Walker circulation driven by tropical Indo-Pacific warming , 2012, Nature.

[88]  C. Deser,et al.  Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate , 2012 .

[89]  Jason Lowe,et al.  A step-response approach for predicting and understanding non-linear precipitation changes , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[90]  Y. Masumoto,et al.  Indian Ocean warming modulates Pacific climate change , 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[91]  L. Alexander,et al.  Increasing frequency, intensity and duration of observed global heatwaves and warm spells , 2012 .

[92]  Kaoru Tachiiri,et al.  Stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: A model intercomparison , 2012 .

[93]  R. Mizuta Intensification of extratropical cyclones associated with the polar jet change in the CMIP5 global warming projections , 2012 .

[94]  Christoph Heinze,et al.  Evaluation of the carbon cycle components in the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) , 2012 .

[95]  Andrew J. Weaver,et al.  Significant contribution to climate warming from the permafrost carbon feedback , 2012 .

[96]  Ivar A. Seierstad,et al.  The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 2: Climate response and scenario projections , 2012 .

[97]  S. Solomon,et al.  Cumulative carbon as a policy framework for achieving climate stabilization , 2012, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[98]  J. Lamarque,et al.  Interactive ozone and methane chemistry in GISS-E2 historical and future climate simulations , 2012 .

[99]  Michael Schulz,et al.  Aerosol–climate interactions in the Norwegian Earth System Model – NorESM1-M , 2012 .

[100]  J. Gregory,et al.  Ocean heat uptake and its consequences for the magnitude of sea level rise and climate change , 2012 .

[101]  D. Frierson,et al.  Robust future precipitation declines in CMIP5 largely reflect the poleward expansion of model subtropical dry zones , 2012 .

[102]  François Massonnet,et al.  How does internal variability influence the ability of CMIP5 models to reproduce the recent trend in Southern Ocean sea ice extent , 2012 .

[103]  Ken Caldeira,et al.  Climate response to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and solar irradiance on the time scale of days to weeks , 2012 .

[104]  L. Shaffrey,et al.  How large are projected 21st century storm track changes? , 2012 .

[105]  Muyin Wang,et al.  A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years: An update from CMIP5 models , 2012 .

[106]  J. Fyfe,et al.  Observed and simulated changes in the Southern Hemisphere surface westerly wind‐stress , 2012 .

[107]  Andrei P. Sokolov,et al.  Historical and idealized climate model experiments : An EMIC intercomparison , 2012 .

[108]  M. Holland,et al.  Trends in Arctic sea ice extent from CMIP5, CMIP3 and observations , 2012 .

[109]  Reto Knutti,et al.  On the interpretation of constrained climate model ensembles , 2012 .

[110]  J. Lamarque,et al.  The Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP): overview and description of models, simulations and climate diagnostics , 2012 .

[111]  Andrew Gettelman,et al.  The Influence of Local Feedbacks and Northward Heat Transport on the Equilibrium Arctic Climate Response to Increased Greenhouse Gas Forcing , 2012 .

[112]  J. Lowe,et al.  Comparing the impacts of mitigation versus non-intervention scenarios on future temperature and precipitation extremes in the HadGEM2 climate model , 2012 .

[113]  Ian G. Enting,et al.  Carbon dioxide and climate impulse response functions for the computation of greenhouse gas metrics:a multi-model analysis , 2012 .

[114]  Gerhard Krinner,et al.  An analysis of present and future seasonal Northern Hemisphere land snow cover simulated by CMIP5 coupled climate models , 2012 .

[115]  David B. Stephenson,et al.  Statistical problems in the probabilistic prediction of climate change , 2012 .

[116]  T. A. Black,et al.  Reduction in carbon uptake during turn of the century drought in western North America , 2012 .

[117]  Stabilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide via zero emissions—An alternative way to a stable global environment. Part 2: A practical zero-emissions scenario , 2012, Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences.

[118]  T. Matsuno,et al.  Stabilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide via zero emissions—An alternative way to a stable global environment. Part 1: Examination of the traditional stabilization concept , 2012, Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences.

[119]  S. Jeffrey,et al.  Aerosol- and greenhouse gas-induced changes in summer rainfall and circulation in the Australasian region: a study using single-forcing climate simulations , 2012 .

[120]  L. Gray,et al.  Trends in Austral jet position in ensembles of high‐ and low‐top CMIP5 models , 2012 .

[121]  T. Koenigk,et al.  Arctic rapid sea ice loss events in regional coupled climate scenario experiments , 2012 .

[122]  M. Allen,et al.  Equivalence of greenhouse-gas emissions for peak temperature limits , 2012 .

[123]  C. Hvidberg,et al.  Self‐inhibiting growth of the Greenland Ice Sheet , 2012 .

[124]  K. Tachiiri,et al.  Climate Change, Allowable Emission, and Earth System Response to Representative Concentration Pathway Scenarios , 2012 .

[125]  Mark D. Zelinka,et al.  Computing and Partitioning Cloud Feedbacks Using Cloud Property Histograms. Part II: Attribution to Changes in Cloud Amount, Altitude, and Optical Depth , 2012 .

[126]  O. Boucher,et al.  Reversibility in an Earth System model in response to CO2 concentration changes , 2012 .

[127]  S. Power,et al.  Consensus on Twenty-First-Century Rainfall Projections in Climate Models More Widespread than Previously Thought , 2012 .

[128]  R. Betts,et al.  High sensitivity of future global warming to land carbon cycle processes , 2012 .

[129]  P. Cox,et al.  Quantifying future climate change , 2012 .

[130]  W. G. Strand,et al.  Climate System Response to External Forcings and Climate Change Projections in CCSM4 , 2012 .

[131]  Adam A. Scaife,et al.  Assessing and understanding the impact of stratospheric dynamics and variability on the earth system , 2012 .

[132]  S. Levitus,et al.  World ocean heat content and thermosteric sea level change (0–2000 m), 1955–2010 , 2012 .

[133]  S. Sherwood,et al.  Recent Northern Hemisphere tropical expansion primarily driven by black carbon and tropospheric ozone , 2012, Nature.

[134]  Scott M. Osprey,et al.  The Effect of a Well-Resolved Stratosphere on Surface Climate: Differences between CMIP5 Simulations with High and Low Top Versions of the Met Office Climate Model , 2012 .

[135]  Frank Kauker,et al.  Twenty-first-century warming of a large Antarctic ice-shelf cavity by a redirected coastal current , 2012, Nature.

[136]  Chao‐An Chen,et al.  Mechanisms for Global Warming Impacts on Precipitation Frequency and Intensity , 2012 .

[137]  Malte Meinshausen,et al.  A Scaling Approach to Probabilistic Assessment of Regional Climate Change , 2012 .

[138]  S. Schwartz Determination of Earth’s Transient and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivities from Observations Over the Twentieth Century: Strong Dependence on Assumed Forcing , 2012, Surveys in Geophysics.

[139]  Wieslaw Maslowski,et al.  The Future of Arctic Sea Ice , 2012 .

[140]  H. Matthews,et al.  Climate response to zeroed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols , 2012 .

[141]  Jonathan M. Gregory,et al.  Response of the North Atlantic storm track to climate change shaped by ocean–atmosphere coupling , 2012 .

[142]  P. Guttorp,et al.  Bayesian estimation of climate sensitivity based on a simple climate model fitted to observations of hemispheric temperatures and global ocean heat content , 2012 .

[143]  Timothy M. Lenton,et al.  A recent tipping point in the Arctic sea-ice cover: abrupt and persistent increase in the seasonal cycle since 2007 , 2012, 1204.5445.

[144]  S. Xie,et al.  Mechanisms for Tropical Tropospheric Circulation Change in Response to Global Warming , 2012 .

[145]  T. Lenton,et al.  A recent bifurcation in Arctic sea-ice cover , 2012 .

[146]  D. Easterling,et al.  Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment , 2012 .

[147]  Joeri Rogelj,et al.  Global warming under old and new scenarios using IPCC climate sensitivity range estimates , 2012 .

[148]  James D. Scott,et al.  Enhanced upper ocean stratification with climate change in the CMIP3 models , 2012 .

[149]  Leonard A. Smith,et al.  Broad range of 2050 warming from an observationally constrained large climate model ensemble , 2012 .

[150]  Arun Kumar,et al.  An Analysis of Forced and Internal Variability in a Warmer Climate in CCSM3 , 2012 .

[151]  D. Lawrence,et al.  Simulation of Present-Day and Future Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground Conditions in CCSM4 , 2012 .

[152]  Toru Nozawa,et al.  Temperature scaling pattern dependence on representative concentration pathway emission scenarios , 2012, Climatic Change.

[153]  E. Manzini,et al.  Stratospheric influence on tropospheric climate change in the Northern Hemisphere , 2012 .

[154]  R. Knutti,et al.  Comments on “Why Hasn’t Earth Warmed as Much as Expected?” , 2012 .

[155]  J. Lamarque,et al.  Changes in Stratospheric Temperatures and Their Implications for Changes in the Brewer-Dobson Circulation, 1979-2005 , 2012 .

[156]  N. Gillett,et al.  Is the climate response to CO2 emissions path dependent? , 2012 .

[157]  S. Solomon,et al.  Perceptible changes in regional precipitation in a future climate , 2012 .

[158]  N. Newlands,et al.  Understanding Crop Response to Climate Variability with Complex Agroecosystem Models , 2012 .

[159]  O. Saenko,et al.  On Challenges in Predicting Bottom Water Transport in the Southern Ocean , 2012 .

[160]  P. Langen,et al.  Multistability of the Greenland ice sheet and the effects of an adaptive mass balance formulation , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[161]  M. Blackburn,et al.  The North Atlantic jet stream under climate change and its relation to the NAO and EA patterns , 2012 .

[162]  G. Reverdin,et al.  Near-Surface Salinity as Nature’s Rain Gauge to Detect Human Influence on the Tropical Water Cycle , 2012 .

[163]  Takashi T. Sakamoto,et al.  Sea-Ice in Twentieth-Century Simulations by New MIROC Coupled Models: A Comparison between Models with High Resolution and with Ice Thickness Distribution , 2012 .

[164]  H. Tsujino,et al.  A New Global Climate Model of the Meteorological Research Institute: MRI-CGCM3 —Model Description and Basic Performance— , 2012 .

[165]  Keith W. Oleson,et al.  Contrasting urban and rural heat stress responses to climate change , 2012 .

[166]  S. Sherwood,et al.  Exceedance of heat index thresholds for 15 regions under a warming climate using the wet‐bulb globe temperature , 2012 .

[167]  Ian Eisenman,et al.  Factors controlling the bifurcation structure of sea ice retreat , 2012 .

[168]  Kaarle Kupiainen,et al.  Simultaneously Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change and Improving Human Health and Food Security , 2012, Science.

[169]  B. Liepert,et al.  Inter-model variability and biases of the global water cycle in CMIP3 coupled climate models , 2012 .

[170]  M. Nemeth,et al.  Simulating the hydrological impacts of climate change in the upper North Saskatchewan River basin, Alberta, Canada , 2012 .

[171]  R. Knutti,et al.  Impact of a Reduced Arctic Sea Ice Cover on Ocean and Atmospheric Properties , 2012 .

[172]  R. Seager,et al.  A Mechanisms-Based Approach to Detecting Recent Anthropogenic Hydroclimate Change* , 2012 .

[173]  George MacKerron,et al.  Do probabilistic expert elicitations capture scientists’ uncertainty about climate change? , 2012, Climatic Change.

[174]  T. Stocker,et al.  Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , 2012 .

[175]  Peili Wu,et al.  Asymmetries in tropical rainfall and circulation patterns in idealised CO2 removal experiments , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[176]  Robert S. Kandel,et al.  Observing and modeling earth's energy flows , 2012 .

[177]  David B. Stephenson,et al.  Calibration Strategies: A Source of Additional Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections , 2012 .

[178]  D. Rowell Sources of uncertainty in future changes in local precipitation , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[179]  R. Allan Regime dependent changes in global precipitation , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[180]  R. Allan,et al.  Energetic Constraints on Precipitation Under Climate Change , 2012, Surveys in Geophysics.

[181]  David M. H. Sexton,et al.  Multivariate probabilistic projections using imperfect climate models. Part II: robustness of methodological choices and consequences for climate sensitivity , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[182]  M. Webb,et al.  Multivariate probabilistic projections using imperfect climate models part I: outline of methodology , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[183]  Sarah M. Kang,et al.  Tropical precipitation, SSTs and the surface energy budget: a zonally symmetric perspective , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[184]  Andrew Gettelman,et al.  Climate change projections and stratosphere–troposphere interaction , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[185]  S. Seneviratne,et al.  Global changes in extreme events: regional and seasonal dimension , 2012, Climatic Change.

[186]  A. Karpechko,et al.  Sensitivity of the southern annular mode to greenhouse gas emission scenarios , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[187]  G. Vallis,et al.  The passive and active nature of ocean heat uptake in idealized climate change experiments , 2012, Climate Dynamics.

[188]  Peter Wadhams,et al.  Arctic Ice Cover, Ice Thickness and Tipping Points , 2012, AMBIO.

[189]  L. Jackson,et al.  Extended warming of the northern high latitudes due to an overshoot of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation , 2011 .

[190]  S. Power,et al.  What Caused the Observed Twentieth-Century Weakening of the Walker Circulation? , 2011 .

[191]  P. Ciais,et al.  Long-term climate implications of twenty-first century options for carbon dioxide emission mitigation , 2011 .

[192]  I. Watterson,et al.  Calculation of joint PDFs for climate change with properties matching recent Australian projections , 2011 .

[193]  R. Knutti,et al.  September Arctic sea ice predicted to disappear near 2°C global warming above present , 2011 .

[194]  C. Chou,et al.  Changes in the Annual Range of Precipitation under Global Warming , 2011 .

[195]  Robert Pincus,et al.  On Constraining Estimates of Climate Sensitivity with Present-Day Observations through Model Weighting , 2011 .

[196]  Reto Knutti,et al.  Mapping model agreement on future climate projections , 2011 .

[197]  A. Dai Drought under global warming: a review , 2011 .

[198]  Harold E. Brooks,et al.  Severe thunderstorms and climate change , 2011 .

[199]  P. Whetton,et al.  Joint PDFs for Australian climate in future decades and an idelaized application to wheat crop yield , 2011 .

[200]  N. Mahowald,et al.  Climate Sensitivity Estimated from Temperature Reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum , 2011, Science.

[201]  J. P. Stachnik,et al.  A comparison of the Hadley circulation in modern reanalyses , 2011 .

[202]  Veronika Eyring,et al.  Ozone database in support of CMIP5 simulations: results and corresponding radiative forcing , 2011 .

[203]  J. Räisänen,et al.  Cold months in a warming climate , 2011 .

[204]  S. Power,et al.  The impact of global warming on the Southern Oscillation Index , 2011 .

[205]  E. Hawkins,et al.  Projections of when temperature change will exceed 2 °C above pre-industrial levels , 2011 .

[206]  C. Rowley,et al.  Probabilistic Estimates of Transient Climate Sensitivity Subject to Uncertainty in Forcing and Natural Variability , 2011 .

[207]  O. Boucher,et al.  Aerosol forcing in the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) simulations by HadGEM2‐ES and the role of ammonium nitrate , 2011 .

[208]  T. Raddatz,et al.  Correlation between climate sensitivity and aerosol forcing and its implication for the “climate trap” , 2011 .

[209]  Raymond T. Pierrehumbert,et al.  Bifurcations leading to summer Arctic sea ice loss , 2011 .

[210]  Kevin I. Hodges,et al.  Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclones in a Warming Climate in the HiGEM High-Resolution Climate Model , 2011 .

[211]  T. Schneider,et al.  Consistent Changes in the Sea Ice Seasonal Cycle in Response to Global Warming , 2011 .

[212]  D. Manning,et al.  Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property , 2011, Nature.

[213]  S. Emori,et al.  MIROC-ESM 2010: model description and basic results of CMIP5-20c3m experiments , 2011 .

[214]  E. Fischer,et al.  Quantifying uncertainties in projections of extremes—a perturbed land surface parameter experiment , 2011 .

[215]  Peter R. Gent,et al.  Response to Increasing Southern Hemisphere Winds in CCSM4 , 2011 .

[216]  Estimation of future surface temperature changes constrained using the future‐present correlated modes in inter‐model variability of CMIP3 multimodel simulations , 2011 .

[217]  H. Hewitt,et al.  How reversible is sea ice loss , 2011 .

[218]  J. Gregory,et al.  Kinetic energy analysis of the response of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to CO2-forced climate change , 2011 .

[219]  Anne Mouchet,et al.  Impact of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet interactions on climate sensitivity , 2011 .

[220]  P. Ciais,et al.  Permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks accelerate global warming , 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[221]  D. Pollard,et al.  On the Possible Link between Tropical Convection and the Northern Hemisphere Arctic Surface Air Temperature Change between 1958 and 2001 , 2011 .

[222]  James D. Annan,et al.  Understanding the CMIP3 Multimodel Ensemble , 2011 .

[223]  Deborah Hemming,et al.  Mapping the climate: guidance on appropriate techniques to map climate variables and their uncertainty , 2011 .

[224]  E. Stehfest,et al.  Harmonization of land-use scenarios for the period 1500–2100: 600 years of global gridded annual land-use transitions, wood harvest, and resulting secondary lands , 2011 .

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