4차산업혁명 건설IT융합기술기반 내진성능향상을 위한 Bridge System CFT 개발 및 드론을 이용한 건축물 성능검토

Unlike the projects that the government has implemented recently to develop new cities under the New Deal project, Saeddeul Village projects to improve the environment of the city are gaining attention. The problem has been found to be that many of the buildings in Saeddeul Village are still not earthquake-proof by using drones to review the state of the town. It also revealed that after two years of earthquakes, Pilotis structures are the most vulnerable to earthquakes. However, it is suitable for small spaces in the city because it provides parking spaces as well as residential spaces. Accordingly, the focus should be on repair and reinforcement rather than reconstruction. In this study, a concrete-based seismic design and construction method is developed in the columns of the existing pylotis structure.