Best practices for TLS Downgrade
Content providers delivering content via CDNs will sometimes deliver
content over HTTPS (or both HTTPS and HTTP) but configure the CDN to
pull from the origin over cleartext and unauthenticated HTTP. From the
perspective of a client, it appears that their requests and associated
responses are delivered over HTTPS, while in reality their requests
are being sent across the network in-the-clear and responses are
delivered unauthenticated. This exposes user request data to pervasive
monitoring [RFC7258]; it also means response data may be tampered with
by active adversaries. Terminating TLS connections on a load balancer
and contacting a backend over cleartext has long been common within
data centers, but doing this TLS termination and downgrade to HTTP at
a CDN introduces additional risk when the unprotected traffic is sent
over the general Internet, sometimes across national boundaries.
While it would be nice to say "never do this," customer demand,
content provider use-cases, and market forces today make it impossible
for CDNs to not support downgrade. However, following a set of best
practices can provide visibility into when this is happening and can
reduce some of the risks.