Doctoral Education in the Field of Business Policy and Strategy

This report was originally commissioned in 1988 by the Executive Committee of the Business Policy and Planning Division of the Academy of Management. At that time, the Executive Committee, concerned about a number of issues connected with doctoral education, appointed The Committee on the Future of Doctoral Education to study these issues. There had been, in the last 15 years, a veritable explosion of literature in the field of Business Policy and Strategy. This trend was accompanied by a growth in the number of doctoral programs being established in American universities. As with any evolving field, questions were being raised not only by "outsiders" (faculty in other departments of a business school, curriculum and administrative officers in business schools) but also by "insiders" (professors, students, prospective students in the field itself). What is the nature of the field? What are its boundaries? What are the major streams of literature in the field? What kind of research is most promising?

[1]  R. Coase The Nature of the Firm , 1937 .

[2]  C. Barnard The Functions of the Executive , 1939 .

[3]  Peter F. Drucker,et al.  Concept of the Corporation , 1946 .

[4]  Charles I. Gragg Because Wisdom Can’t Be Told , 1951 .

[5]  J. Bain Barriers to new competition , 1957 .

[6]  Philip Selznick Leadership in administration , 1957 .

[7]  W. Dill Environment as an Influence on Managerial Autonomy , 1958 .

[8]  T. Schelling The Strategy of Conflict , 1963 .

[9]  Tom R. Burns,et al.  The Management of Innovation. , 1963 .

[10]  J. March,et al.  A Behavioral Theory of the Firm , 1964 .

[11]  Kenneth J. Arrow,et al.  A Strategy of Decision, Policy Evaluation as a Social Process. , 1964 .

[12]  James D. Thompson Organizations in Action , 1967 .

[13]  P. Lawrence,et al.  Organization and environment , 1967 .

[14]  F. Aguilar Scanning the business environment , 1967 .

[15]  Charles E. Lindblom,et al.  The Policy-Making Process , 1968 .

[16]  L. E. Fouraker,et al.  Organizational Structure and the Multinational Strategy , 1968 .

[17]  G. Steiner,et al.  Top Management Planning , 1969 .

[18]  I. Rubin,et al.  Motivation of research and development entrepreneurs: Determinants of company success. , 1969 .

[19]  Myles L. Mace,et al.  Directors: Myth and Reality , 1971 .

[20]  F. Scherer,et al.  Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance. , 1971 .

[21]  K. Andrews The Concept of Corporate Strategy , 1971 .

[22]  J. Child Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice , 1972 .

[23]  J. L. Bower,et al.  Business policy: text and cases , 1973 .

[24]  Henry Mintzberg Strategy-Making in Three Modes , 1973 .

[25]  Henry Mintzberg The Nature of Managerial Work , 1974, Operational Research Quarterly (1970-1977).

[26]  Jay R. Galbraith Designing Complex Organizations , 1973 .

[27]  R. Rumelt Strategy, structure, and economic performance , 1974 .

[28]  Barry M. Staw,et al.  Attribution of the "causes" of performance: A general alternative interpretation of cross-sectional research on organizations. , 1975 .

[29]  Johan P. Olsen,et al.  Ambiguity and choice in organizations , 1976 .


[31]  M. Hannan,et al.  The Population Ecology of Organizations , 1977, American Journal of Sociology.

[32]  Jeffrey Pfeffer,et al.  The Ambiguity of Leadership , 1977 .

[33]  Richard F. Vancil,et al.  Strategic planning systems , 1977 .

[34]  Paul S. Goodman,et al.  New perspectives on organizational effectiveness , 1977 .

[35]  Boris W. Becker,et al.  Value Biases in Organizational Research , 1977 .

[36]  Bruce A. Kirchhoff,et al.  Organization Effectiveness Measurement and Policy Research , 1977 .

[37]  D. Teece,et al.  Organizational Structure and Economic Performance: A Test of the Multidivisional Hypothesis , 1978 .

[38]  R. Billings,et al.  Use of path analysis in industrial/organizational psychology: Criticisms and suggestions. , 1978 .

[39]  D. Schendel,et al.  A Strategic Model of the U.S. Brewing Industry: 1952-1971 , 1978 .

[40]  Henry Mintzberg Patterns in Strategy Formation , 1978, International Studies of Management & Organization.

[41]  Charles W. Hofer,et al.  Strategy formulation : analytical concepts , 1978 .

[42]  J. Pfeffer,et al.  The External Control of Organizations. , 1978 .

[43]  Ian C. MacMillan,et al.  Strategy formulation : political concepts , 1978 .

[44]  R E Miles,et al.  Organizational strategy, structure, and process. , 1978, Academy of management review. Academy of Management.

[45]  Igor H.Ansoff Strategic Management , 1979 .

[46]  T. Jick Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Triangulation in Action. , 1979 .

[47]  K. Weick,et al.  Unobtrusive Measures in Organizational Theory: A Reminder. , 1979 .

[48]  Henry Mintzberg,et al.  The Structuring of Organizations , 1979 .

[49]  Henry Mintzberg An Emerging Strategy of "Direct" Research , 1979 .

[50]  Danny Miller,et al.  Archetypes of Organizational Transition. , 1980 .

[51]  C. Summer Strategic behavior in business and government , 1980 .

[52]  C. C. Snow,et al.  Strategy, Distinctive Competence, and Organizational Performance. , 1980 .

[53]  D. Abell,et al.  Defining the Business: The Starting Point of Strategic Planning , 1980 .

[54]  C. C. Snow,et al.  Measuring Organizational Strategies: Some Theoretical and Methodological Problems , 1980 .

[55]  E. Fama Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm , 1980, Journal of Political Economy.

[56]  J. McCann Strategies for Change: Logical Incrementalism , 1980 .

[57]  Donald C. Hambrick,et al.  Operationalizing the Concept of Business-Level Strategy in Research , 1980 .

[58]  R. Caves Industrial Organization, Corporate Strategy and Structure , 1980 .

[59]  Lawrence R. Jauch,et al.  Structured Content Analysis of Cases: A Complementary Method for Organizational Research , 1980 .

[60]  Kathryn Rudie Harrigan,et al.  Strategies for Declining Businesses , 1980 .

[61]  L. J. Bourgeois,et al.  Strategy and Environment: A Conceptual Integration , 1980 .

[62]  Cynthia A. Montgomery,et al.  Corporate economic performance: Diversification strategy versus market structure , 1981 .


[64]  E. Herman Corporate Control, Corporate Power , 1982 .

[65]  Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders,et al.  Teaching With Cases , 1981 .

[66]  David B. Jemison The Importance of an Integrative Approach To Strategic Management Research , 1981 .

[67]  Nancy Weiner,et al.  A Model of Corporate Performance as a Function of Environmental, Organizational, and Leadership Influences , 1981 .

[68]  R. Evered,et al.  Alternative Perspectives in the Organizational Sciences: “Inquiry from the Inside” and “Inquiry from the Outside” , 1981 .

[69]  R. Bettis Performance differences in related and unrelated diversified firms , 1981 .

[70]  Carolyn Y. Woo,et al.  Strategies of effective low share businesses , 1981 .

[71]  M. K. D. Vries,et al.  Top Executive Locus of Control and Its Relationship to Strategy-Making, Structure, and Environment , 1982 .

[72]  W. G. Tymon,et al.  Necessary Properties of Relevant Research: Lessons from Recent Criticisms of the Organizational Sciences , 1982 .

[73]  William G. Egelhoff Strategy and Structure in Multinational Corporations: An Information- Processing Approach , 1982 .

[74]  Cynthia A. Montgomery,et al.  The Measurement of Firm Diversification: Some New Empirical Evidence , 1982 .

[75]  A. Meyer Adapting to environmental jolts. , 1982, Administrative science quarterly.

[76]  Charles R. Schwenk Why sacrifice rigour for relevance? A proposal for combining laboratory and field research in strategic management , 1982 .


[78]  Jack R. Borsting,et al.  Decision-Making at the Top , 1982 .

[79]  James W. Fredrickson,et al.  Strategic process research: Questions and recommendations , 1983 .

[80]  Robert A. Burgelman A Model of the Interaction of Strategic Behavior, Corporate Context, and the Concept of Strategy , 1983 .

[81]  Kathryn Rudie Harrigan,et al.  Research Methodologies for Contingency Approaches to Business Strategy , 1983 .

[82]  Kathryn Rudie Harrigan,et al.  Strategies for Vertical Integration , 1983 .

[83]  Richard L. Daft,et al.  Learning the Craft of Organizational Research , 1983 .

[84]  H. Levinson,et al.  Ceo: Corporate Leadership in Action , 1984 .

[85]  Anil K. Gupta,et al.  Business Unit Strategy, Managerial Characteristics, and Business Unit Effectiveness at Strategy Implementation , 1984 .

[86]  R. Freeman Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach , 2010 .

[87]  D. Hambrick,et al.  Upper Echelons: The Organization as a Reflection of Its Top Managers , 1984 .

[88]  Vasudevan Ramanujam,et al.  An Inventory and Critique of Strategy Research Using the PIMS Database , 1984 .

[89]  Gregory G. Dess,et al.  Porter's (1980) Generic Strategies as Determinants of Strategic Group Membership and Organizational Performance , 1984 .

[90]  Cynthia A. Montgomery,et al.  Diversification strategy and systematic risk , 1984 .

[91]  Donald C. Hambrick,et al.  Taxonomic Approaches to Studying Strategy: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues , 1984 .

[92]  P. C. Nutt Types of organizational decision processes. , 1984, Administrative science quarterly.

[93]  Carolyn Y. Woo An Empirical Test of Value-Based Planning Models and Implications , 1984 .

[94]  Louis W. Glorfeld,et al.  An Evaluation of the Use of Tests of Significance in Organizational Behavior Research , 1985 .

[95]  T. Mitchell An Evaluation of the Validity of Correlational Research Conducted in Organizations , 1985 .

[96]  N. Venkatraman,et al.  Contingency Perspectives of Organizational Strategy: A Critical Review of the Empirical Research , 1985 .

[97]  M. Hitt,et al.  Corporate distinctive competence, strategy, industry and performance , 1985 .

[98]  J. Nicholas,et al.  Research Methods and Reporting Practices in Organization Development: A Review and Some Guidelines , 1985 .

[99]  Marc R. Reinganum The Effect of Executive Succession on Stockholder Wealth , 1985 .

[100]  Mark J. Martinko,et al.  Beyond Structured Observation: Methodological Issues and New Directions , 1985, Managerial Work.

[101]  Steve W. J. Kozlowski,et al.  A Closer Look at Halo Error in Performance Ratings , 1985 .

[102]  David Lei,et al.  Toward an Empirical Prioritization of Contingency Variables for Business Strategy , 1985 .

[103]  M. Porter Competition in Global Industries , 1986 .

[104]  J. Fredrickson The Strategic Decision Process and Organizational Structure , 1986 .

[105]  B. Chakravarthy Measuring strategic performance , 1986 .

[106]  L. Vogel,et al.  Strategy and Structure , 1986 .

[107]  R. E. Miles,et al.  Organizations: New Concepts for New Forms , 1986 .

[108]  Lee Sproull,et al.  Using Electronic Mail for Data Collection in Organizational Research , 1986 .

[109]  H. Thomas,et al.  Strategic Groups: Theory, Research and Taxonomy , 1986 .

[110]  R. E. Shrieves,et al.  Towards Reconciliation of Market Performance Measures to Strategic Management Research , 1986 .

[111]  K. Cameron Effectiveness as Paradox: Consensus and Conflict in Conceptions of Organizational Effectiveness , 1986 .

[112]  R. Leon Price,et al.  Linking Theory Construction and Theory Testing: Models with Multiple Indicators of Latent Variables , 1986 .

[113]  John H. Grant,et al.  Construct Measurement in Organizational Strategy Research: A Critique and Proposal , 1986 .

[114]  Masoud Hemmasi,et al.  Assessment of statistical power in contemporary strategy research , 1987 .

[115]  Robert Jacobson,et al.  The Validity of ROI as a Measure of Business Performance , 1987 .

[116]  W. Dugger The Economic Institutions of Capitalism , 1987 .

[117]  Vasudevan Ramanujam,et al.  Diversification and Performance: A Reexamination using A New Two-Dimensional Conceptualization of Diversity in Firms , 1987 .

[118]  Masoud Hemmasi,et al.  Statistical Power in Contemporary Management Research , 1987 .

[119]  C. R. Christensen,et al.  Teaching and the case method , 1987 .

[120]  Richard L. Daft,et al.  Retrospective Accounts of Research Factors Associated with Significant and Not-So-Significant Research Outcomes , 1987 .

[121]  P. Shrivastava Rigor and practical usefulness of research in strategic management , 1987 .

[122]  Jerald Greenberg,et al.  The College Sophomore as Guinea Pig: Setting the Record Straight , 1987 .

[123]  Cynthia A. Montgomery,et al.  Guest editor's introduction to the special issue on research in the content of strategy , 1988 .

[124]  D. M. Georgoff,et al.  Harvard Business Review: David M. Georgoff and Robert G. Murdick, manager's guide to forecasting, 64 (Jan-Feb.) (1986) 110-120 , 1988 .

[125]  James J. Chrisman,et al.  Toward a System for Classifying Business Strategies , 1988 .

[126]  John H. Grant Strategic management frontiers , 1988 .

[127]  R. Goodman,et al.  Data Dredging or Legitimate Research Method? Historiography and Its Potential for Management Research , 1988 .

[128]  Ari Ginsberg,et al.  Measuring and modelling changes in strategy: Theoretical foundations and empirical directions , 1988 .

[129]  P. Haspeslagh,et al.  Portfolio Planning: uses and limits , 1989 .

[130]  Joseph A. Gier,et al.  Ceilings in the Reliability and Validity of Performance Ratings: The Case of Expert Raters , 1989 .

[131]  M. Porter From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy , 1989 .

[132]  C. Bartlett,et al.  Managing across Borders: The Transnational Solution , 1990 .

[133]  A. Bedeian,et al.  .05: A Case of the Tail Wagging the Distribution , 1989 .

[134]  K. Eisenhardt Building theories from case study research , 1989, STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI.

[135]  Michiel R. Leenders,et al.  Case research: the case writing process , 1989 .

[136]  Cynthia A. Montgomery,et al.  Strategy Content and the Research Process: A Critique and Commentary , 1989 .