For an equation $H(y,t) = 0$, where $H:D \subset R^{n + 1} \to R^n $, let $p:J \subset R^1 \to R^n $ be a primary solution on which a simple bifurcation point $p^ * = p(t^ * )$ with rank $H_y = (p^ * ,t^ * ) = n - 1$ has been detected and a secondary solution is branching off. An iterative process is presented which starts at a point $p^0 = p(t_0 )$ near $p^ * $ and converges to a point on the secondary curve. It is similar in form to methods proposed by H. B. Kelley and others but has considerably lower computational complexity. The process represents a chord iteration with singular iteration matrix and its convergence is derived from a general result for such singular chord iterations. Computational details for the implementation of the method and an informal program are given. Finally, some comments about extensions to the case rank $H_y (p^ * ,t^ * ) < n - 1$ are made.
J. Schröder.
Störungsrechnung bei Eigenwert- und Verzweigungsaufgaben
A. C. Walker,et al.
A non-linear finite element analysis of shallow circular arches
James M. Ortega,et al.
Iterative solution of nonlinear equations in several variables
Computer science and applied mathematics.
M. Crandall,et al.
Bifurcation from simple eigenvalues
H. Keller,et al.
Iterations, perturbations and multiplicities for nonlinear bifurcation problems
G. Stewart.
Introduction to matrix computations
H. Keller,et al.
Perturbed bifurcation theory