Orbital structures are currently limited by the payload capacity of launch vehicles. Satellite mass and volume constraints restrict the maximum size of solar arrays, antenna diameters, fuel tanks, and other satellite subsystems, thereby limiting overall satellite capability and effectiveness. In this study we address these issues by proposing the assembly of global telecommunications satellite network, the Ansible, that takes advantage of on-orbit telerobotic assembly and modular spacecraft design, thus surpassing other modem communication satellite networks. The Ansible network would provide several simultaneous global services, ranging from low data rate transmission to the satellite from a small low-power device, to very high data rate transmission to a small number of fixed ground stations, with intermediate levels of service in between. The ability to significantly vary levels and types of services is not currently available in the telecommunications market. This uniquely versatile satellite service is made possible with the use of steerable, hopping beams, regulated by an on-board processor that also controls the demodulation. The Ansible design utilizes many advanced technologies including telerobotic assembly, a reusable solar orbit transfer vehicle, tethered powersail, lightweight truss structure with integrated power distribution and thermal control system, deployable looped heat pipe radiators and lightweight, deployable Ka-band antennae. The mission architecture, technical specifications of the satellite, and robot are all presented and justitied. Models for the cost, mass, power and performance of the satellite are given and comparisons are drawn against existing, conventional satellite telecommunications networks, quantifying the many advantages of modular on-orbit satellite construction.