The behaviour of steel-free concrete bridge deck slabs under static loading conditions
It has been successfully demonstrated that the removal of all internal reinforcing steel from the deck slab of concrete slab on steel girder bridges is possible. The internal steel reinforcement is not replaced with another synthetic or non-ferrous reinforcement; but, rather the whole bridge deck structural system is modified with the addition of external steel straps. Such a system is now being referred to as a steel-free concrete bridge deck system. Experimental testing has demonstrated the feasibility of the concept and the substantial ultimate load capacity of the system. A highway bridge utilizing this technology has been in operation since December, 1995. This thesis examines in detail the behaviour of the steel-free concrete bridge deck system under static load conditions. A rational model is developed which reliably predicts the behaviour of the system. Verification of the model is demonstrated through analysis of previous experimental works. An experimental program is undertaken to access many of the serviceability and ultimate load characteristics of the system. Using the rational model, a parametric study is undertaken to establish the effect of the various key geometric and material parameters on the behaviour of the system. Finally, design recommendation are presented and discussed in light of the findings of this thesis as well as the current draft recommendations of the new Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code.