The Development of a Unmanned Watching System Using Video Cameras

This paper describes a technique for detecting trespassers in real time. applicable both i ndoors and outdoors, based on i mage processing. The main part of the proposed system consists of a video camera, an image processor and a micro-processor. Images are input from the video camera to the image processor every 1/60 second, and intruding objects in the image are detected by m easuring c hanges of intensity level in selected sensor areas. The system exhibits the following features: (1) intruders can be detected in real time. (2) shapes and locations o f active sensor areas can be selected based on detection application. (3) spurious detections are prevented by using noise removal filters, (4) high detection sensitivity is guaranteed under any environmental c ondition. In this paper, the system configuration and the detection method are discussed. Experimental results under a range of environmental conditions are given.