How to prevent loss of satellite navigation continuity caused by nimbostratus? Concept for Polish ATM

Abstract In 2018, the Polish project concerned on operational implementation of instrumental approach procedures for landing using satellite signal with the support of SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) - EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) was completed. This made Poland one of a few countries in which such an approach procedures were applied at the majority of controlled airports occurring in FIR (Flight Information Region) Warsaw. In the adopted procedures, minima comparable to those from the precision landing approach ILS (Instrument Landing System) cat. I were used. Satellite systems and signals provided by them are therefore a key element of the strategy for the development of communication, navigation and surveillance systems in civil aviation. What is more, positioning in various branches of transport (rail, road, and air) is often carried out thanks to satellite navigation systems, and therefore their correct functioning has a significant impact on the safety of vehicle traffic. It cannot be overlooked that the limited operational use of satellite systems in air transport is caused by various errors that are inherent to the work of these systems. The satellite system, in all its complexity, can be treated as a measurement system. This is why the research problem of the article concerns on the use of information about atmospheric factors interfering with the satellite signal for forecasting the continuity value of this signal. The rationale for choosing this problem is, among others, the fact that failure to meet the requirements for signals prevents their operational use. A review of literature made for the purposes of this article points to a number of studies conducted in the field of modeling and prediction of signal parameters through artificial neural networks. However, no detailed research that would include the use of ionospheric & tropospheric factors, as well as historical data on the accuracy, continuity, availability and integrity of satellite signal forecasting in air transport navigation has been found so far. Their implementation will therefore have a significant impact on the development of science in this area.