This paper provides the results of an applied research of forestry machine operators related to their work ability index (WAI) and some ergonomic aspects of their everyday work. Questionnaire on work environment and working ability was conducted in the year 2012 and included machinery operators employed in the state forestry company Croatian Forest Ltd. and in private forestry companies. Descriptive statistics and comparisons have been carried out regarding work ability index and frequency response of the respondents. First part of the results presents a) profile of respondents b) organization of operators' work activities an their education, c) impact of tiredness and d) impact of psychological and social factors on operators' work ability. Second part of the results presents a) relation of work ability results towards demographic categories of respondents and b) examination of differences between work ability index against groups of descriptive variables. Regarding education aspect of sampled machine operators’ results showed insufficient level of adequate specialized education. Higher level of mental demands on the job was rated by the operators employed in private companies. Demographic parameters of the respondents negatively affect the working and functional ability of forestry machine operator, and WAI of operators resulted with a visible reduction of value within the groups by work experience in private forestry sector.
Mario Šporčić,et al.
Prikaz stanja poduzetništva u šumarstvu srednje i istočne Europe
Juhani Ilmarinen,et al.
New dimensions of work ability
Ivan Martinić,et al.
Croatian Forestry at the Doorstep of EU – How Much are We Ready in the Area of Occupational Safety in Forestry?
Jelena Macan,et al.
Smjernice za zdravstvene preglede zaposlenih u izdanju Hrvatskog društva za medicinu rada Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora
Ivan Martinić,et al.
Assessment of stress level of forestry experts with academic education.
Collegium antropologicum.