The Maceration of Woody Tissue With Acetic Acid and Sodium Chlorite.

Science, a weekly journal, is published each Friday by the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Mt. Royal & Guilford Avenues, Baltimore 2, Maryland. Founded in 1880, it has been since 1900 the official publication of the AAAS. Editorial, Advertising, and Circulation Offices, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 5, D. C. Telephone, EXecutive 6060 or 6061. Articles offered for publication should be sent to the Editor, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 5, D. C. Membership correspondence for the AAAS should be sent to the Administrative Secretary, 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 5. D. C. Change of address. Four weeks notice required for change of addres. When ordering a change, please furnish an address stencil label from a recent issue. Address changes can be made only if the old as well as the new address is supplied. Annual subscription, $7.50; single copies, $.25; foreign postage (outside the Pan-American Union), $1.00 extra, Canadian postage, $.50 extra. Remittances and orders for subscriptions and for single copies, notices of changes of address, and claims for miming numbers should be sent to the Circulation Department. Entered as second-class matter July 18, 1923, at the postoffice at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, under the act of March 3, 1879. Re-entered as seoond-clas mailing matter under the act of March 3, -1879, Jan'Uary 17,1947, at Baltimore, Maryland.