The ARIEL Radioactive Ion Beam Transport System

The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) is going to triple the radioactive ion beam (RIB) production at TRIUMF. The facility will enable multi-user capability in the Isotope Separation and ACceleration (ISAC) facility by delivering three RIBs simultaneously. Two new independent target stations will generate RIBs using a proton driver beam up to 50 kW from the 500 MeV cyclotron and an electron driver beam for photo-fission from the new superconducting e-linac in addition to the existing ISAC RIB production. The multi-user capability is enabled by a complex radioactive ion beam transport switchyard consisting entirely of electrostatic optics. This system includes two separation stages at medium and high resolution with the latter achieved by a mass separator designed for an operational resolving power of 20000 for a 3 μm transmitted emittance. Part of the system also includes an Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) charge breeder fed by a radio frequency cooler that allows the postacceleration of heavy masses. Beam selection downstream of the EBIS is achieved by means of a Nier type separator. The facility is in a detailed design stage and some tests, procurements and partial installation are foreseen by the end of 2016.