Optimum coordination of overcurrent relays using SADE algorithm

One of the important considerations in designing power systems is designing their security systems. The most common fault in power systems is the line to ground one that over current relays are used to protect the system against it (as primary protection in distribution systems and secondary protection in transferring ones). The most important issue in using over current relays is their coordination. In today vast systems, using traditional methods that are often based on mathematical relations such as gradient or experimental relations are not efficient anymore and the solution is to utilize intelligent methods. In this text, Self-Adaptive Differential Evolutionary algorithm (SADE) used for Optimum Relays Coordination problem (ORC) and its function on 14 and 30 networks of IEEE standard bus was tested, finally a comparison done between SADE and common methods of DE, also with other evolutionary algorithms such as PSO and GA that shows the capability of SADE to solve nonlinear optimum problems with many local optimums.