Pengembangan Buku Penuntun Praktikum Energi dalam Sistem Kehidupan dengan Model Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI)

This study aims to describe the validity and practicality of guidebook of energy in living systems developed with ADI model. This research design used was R & D with 4-D model covering th stages of define, design, develop, and disseminate. However, the disseminate stages were not carried out. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive. The developed product was made with an attractive cover and uses cambria font letters 14 and 12. Each practicum consists of labels, theory, goals, questions, tools, materials, work steps, arguments on a whiteboard include (claim, data/evidence, warrant, and backing), argumentation sessions and reports. Experimental and practitioner validation test results showed that the average ideality scores are categorized as "excellent", the legibility test results show that the average score is categorized as "excellent", and the results of the implementation test for all trials indicate that average criteria "almost all activities implemented". Thus, the book developed was valid and practical.