I shop, therefore I am

A number of atmospheric cues have been found to significantly affect shoppers’ emotions and behavior. Research concerning the effect of multiple atmospheric cues, however, is limited. This study examines the interactive effect of color, spatial density and motivational orientation and their impact on shopper responses. The hypotheses were tested, in a scenario study, using a 2 (high-density vs. low-density) x 2 (blue vs. red) x 2 (run vs. fun shopping) factorial design. Videos of an actual store were manipulated for this experiment. Results show that a red retail environment is more arousing than a blue retail environment, in line with findings from previous research. Motive interacted with both color and density indicating that a consumers’ shopping intentions influences how a consumer is influenced by his/her environment. The high density, red store was preferred by the recreational shoppers while the task oriented shoppers favored the low density, blue retail environment. The practical value of this study lies in the notion that retailers should not only take the effect of atmospherics into account, but also the motive of a shopper.