On Coastal Ocean Systems, Coupled Model Architectures, Products and Services: Morphing from Observations to Operations and Applications

The build-up of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (COOSs) to establish the coastal observing component of the national Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) network must be well organized and acknowledge, understand, and address the needs of the principal clients (federal and in some cases state agencies) that provide financial support if it is to have substantive value. Funds being spent in support of COOS should be invested in pursuit of the establishment of the National Backbone, needed: 1) to greatly improve atmospheric, oceanic, and coastal "weather" forecasting, broadly defined, for ecosystem management; and 2) to document climate variability and change in coastal zones. However, this process has not occurred in a well conceived, orderly, or well-integrated manner due to historical and cultural biases and because of other more pressing local priorities. A sub-regional effort designed to meet federal agency needs and mission responsibilities with an emphasis on meeting societal needs is offered in this article by way of example to demonstrate that university and industry partners with federal agencies have an important role to play in the future of building out ocean and coastal observing and prediction systems and networks.