Secure Computing: The Secure Ada Target Approach
(75. Inventors: William E. Boebert, Minneapolis; Thomas R. Markham, Anoka; Robert A. Olmsted, Minnetonka, all of Minn. Secure Computing Corporation, Roseville, Minn. 21 Appl. No.: 870,556 73) Assignee: 1985-1988, Secure Computing Technology Corp., Arden Hills, Minn. "Secure Ada Target: Issues, System Design, and Verifi cation," W. E. Boebert et al., Proceedings of the Sympo sium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, Calif., Apr. 22-24, 1985. "Using Embedded COMSEC: An Integrator's View point,' by Thomas Kibalo and W. E. Boebert, Proceed ings of the 1st AFCEA Mid-Atlantic Intelligence Sympo sium (1986). (22 Filed: Apr. 17, 1992