Contemporary perspectives in the philosophy of language

What are concepts?, Christopher Peacocke manifesting realism, Simon Blackburn misconstruals made manifest - a response to Simon Blackburn, Crispin Wright between reference and meaning, Julius M. Moravcsik cognitive architecture and the semantics of belief, Graeme Forbes semantic holism without semantic socialism - twin earths, thinking, language, bodies, and the world, Hector-Neri Castaneda aboutness and substitutivity, Genoveva Marti divided reference, Igal Kvart a theory of reference transmission and reference change, Alan Berger on synonomy and ontic modalities, Andrzej Zabludowski against direct reference, Michael Devitt intrinsic reference and the new theory, Laird Addis what water is or back to whales, Avrum Stroll belief and the identity of reference, Keith S. Donnellan contradictory belief and cognitive access, Joseph I. Owens how I say what you think, Mark Richard you can say that again, Ernest LePore and Barry Loewer might, Jonathan Wilwerding quantified modal logic and the plural "de re", Philip Bricker a vagueness paradox and its solution, Felicia Ackerman geometrical semantics for spatial prepositions, Colleen Crangle and Patrick Suppes.