Cloud computing as an emerging technology and its associated ethical issues: Experiences that may be shared between Europe and Africa

This paper will look at research results so far realised from the ETICA EU co-funded project that has been looking at identifying emerging technologies and their potential related ethical issues. In keeping with the thematic priorities of the conference, the paper will focus on Cloud Computing; one of the projects identified technologies, in relation to its potential benefits and potential ethical issues for would be users, especially in the area of business. The paper will look at benefits and ethical issues of such an emerging technology basing the results on a more general level. However, the paper will also pay particular attention to Africa by looking at implications of Cloud Computing on Africa. This is in order to understand potential commonalities and cross-overs that may result from the adoption and use of Cloud Computing between the two geographical spheres as well as to understand, share and learn of potential ethical consequences which may to a certain extent be different due to different circumstances between the more developed EU and the still developing African continent.