High lateral resolution spectroscopic imaging of surfaces: The undulator beamline “nanospectroscopy” at Elettra

High lateral resolution direct imaging of surfaces with chemical sensitivity is of increasing importance for basic and applied research in the field of surface and materials science. A novel and versatile beamline, to be employed for the spectromicroscopic study of surfaces in the submicron range, is now available at Elettra. The beamline, named «Nanospectroscopy», serves an end-station equipped with a Spectroscopic Photo-Emission and Low Energy Electron Microscope (SPELEEM). This microscope combines the ability to perform XPEEM (X-ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy), small spot XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy), XPD (X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction), LEEM and LEED (Low Energy Electron Microscopy and Diffraction, respectively).