A new reconfigurable clock-gating technique for low power SRAM-based FPGAs

Power consumption is dramatically increasing for Static Random Access Memory Field Programmable Gate Arrays (SRAM-FPGAs), therefore lower power FPGA circuitry and new CAD tools are needed. Clock-gating methodologies have been applied in low power FPGA designs with only minor success in reducing the total average power consumption. In this paper, we developed a new structural clock-gating technique based on internal partial reconfiguration and topological modifications. The solution is based on the dynamic partial reconfiguration of the configuration memory frames related to the clock routing resources. For a set of design cases, figures of static and dynamic power consumption were obtained. The analyses have been performed on a synchronous FIFO and on a r-VEX VLIW processor. The experimental results shown that the efficiency in the total average power consumptions ranges from about 28% to 39% with respect to standard clock-gating approaches. Besides, the proposed method is not intrusive, and presents a very limited cost in term of area overhead.

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