Falsifikation und die Methodologie wissenschaftlicher Forschungsprogramme

Jahrhundertelang verstand man unter Wissen bewiesenes Wissen — bewiesen entweder durch die Kraft der Vernunft oder durch die Evidenz der Sinne. Es galt als ein Gebot der Weisheit und der intellektuellen Redlichkeit, sich unbewiesener Behauptungen zu enthalten und die Kluft zwischen bloser Spekulation und begrundetem Wissen, sogar im Denken, auf ein Mindestmas zu beschranken. Wohl wurde die beweisende Kraft des Verstandes und der Sinne schon vor mehr als zwei Jahrtausenden von den Skeptikern in Frage gestellt, aber sie wurden durch den Triumphzug der Newtonschen Physik mit Verwirrung geschlagen. Einsteins Ergebnisse haben die Situation dann wieder auf den Kopf gestellt, und heute gibt es nur noch wenig Philosophen und Wissenschaftler, die der Ansicht waren, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis sei oder konnte bewiesenes Wissen sein. Aber fast niemand sieht ein, das damit auch das ganze klassische Gebaude intellektueller Werte zusammenbricht und durch etwas Neues ersetzt werden mus: Man kann das Ideal bewiesener Wahrheit nicht einfach verdunnen — etwa zum Ideal ‚wahrscheinlicher Wahrheit‘2), wie es einige logische Empiristen tun, oder zur ‚Wahrheit aufgrund [wechselnder] Ubereinstimmung‘3), die wir bei einigen Wissenssoziologen finden.

[1]  Physics at the British Association , 1900, Nature.

[2]  From Euclid to Eddington , 1950 .

[3]  R. Bruce Lindsay,et al.  Michelson and the Speed of Light. , 1979 .

[4]  E. A. Power Introductory Quantum Electrodynamics , 1964 .

[5]  P. Ehrenfest Zur Krise der Lichtäther-Hypothese: Rede, gehalten beim Antritt des Lehramts an der Reichs-Universität zu Leiden , 1913 .

[6]  John Louis Emil Dreyer,et al.  History of the Planetary Systems from Thales to Kepler , 2007, Nature.

[7]  K. Popper Ein Kriterium des empirifchen Charakters theoretifcher Syfteme , 1932 .


[9]  A. Sommerfeld Zur Quantentheorie der Spektrallinien , 1916 .

[10]  Adolf Grünbaum,et al.  THE FALSIFIABILITY OP THE LORENTZ-FITZGERALD CONTRACTION HYPOTHESIS , 1959, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

[11]  K. Popper The Poverty of Historicism , 1959 .

[12]  H. Pugh,et al.  Tensile properties of a high-purity iron from -196°C to 200°C at two rates of strain , 1963 .

[13]  Hans Reichenbach Philosophy and physics , 1948 .

[14]  W. W. Bartley,et al.  Theories of Demarcation Between Science and Metaphysics , 1968 .

[15]  Ernest Nagel,et al.  The Structure of Science , 1962 .

[16]  XLIV. On the waves associated with β-rays, and the relation between free electrons and their waves , 1929 .

[17]  Logik der Forfchung. Zur Erkenntnistheorie der modernen Naturwiffenfchaft , 1935 .

[18]  Karl R. Popper,et al.  Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject , 1968 .

[19]  M. Schlick,et al.  Über das Fundament der Erkenntnis , 1934 .

[20]  Laurens Laudan Grünbaum on the ‘Duhemian Argument’ , 1965 .



[23]  L. Howard Versuch einer Naturgeschichte und Physik der Wolken , 1815 .

[24]  J. Agassi The Novelty of Popper’s Philosophy of Science , 1968 .

[25]  Willard Van Orman Quine,et al.  From a Logical Point of View , 1955 .

[26]  M. Jacobs The structure of the metastable precipitates formed during ageing of an Al-Mg-Si alloy , 1972 .

[27]  R. Jones Pressure of Radiation , 1953, Nature.

[28]  H. Moseley Atomic Models and X-Ray Spectra , 1914, Nature.

[29]  Karl R. Popper,et al.  II.—WHAT IS DIALECTIC ? , 1940 .

[30]  K. Popper Die Normalwissenschaft und ihre Gefahren , 1974 .

[31]  J. Spier,et al.  Intensity profiles of non-resolved CN bands : (3883 AND 3871Å) , 1942 .

[32]  P. Medawar Induction and intuition in scientific thought , 1969 .

[33]  L. Stebbing,et al.  Pragmatism and French Voluntarism. , 1915 .

[34]  P. Feyerabend Zu einer neueren „Kritik“ an der Komplementarität , 1981 .

[35]  F. Hund Göttingen, Kopenhagen, Leipzig im Rückblick , 1961 .

[36]  Zur Theorie der Strahlungserscheinungen , 1911 .

[37]  Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem,et al.  La théorie physique. Son objet, sa structure , 1906 .

[38]  P. Dirac,et al.  Is there an Æther? , 1951, Nature.

[39]  Edmund Taylor Whittaker Reviews of Books and Recordings: A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity , 1954 .

[40]  I. Lakatos History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions , 1970, PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association.

[41]  M. Polanyi,et al.  Personal Knowledge: Towards a post-critical philosophy , 1959 .

[42]  A. J. Ayer,et al.  Language, Truth, and Logic , 1936 .

[43]  Bakerian lecture: Series lines in spark spectra , 1914 .

[44]  Conservation Laws in Quantum Theory , 1936, Nature.

[45]  B. Russell History of Western philosophy , 1949 .

[46]  K. Popper Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: Normal Science and its Dangers , 1970 .

[47]  I. Lakatos PROOFS AND REFUTATIONS (I)*† , 1963, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

[48]  G. Uhlenbeck,et al.  On the Fermi Theory of beta-Radioactivity , 1935 .

[49]  The Rotation of the Earth and its Influence on Optical Phenomena , 1923, Nature.

[50]  K. Popper,et al.  Conjectures and Refutations , 1963 .

[51]  Thomas S. Kuhn Logik der Forschung oder Psychologie der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit , 1974 .

[52]  Changes in the Lipolytic Activity of Different Organs during Tuberculosis , 1934, Nature.

[53]  Albert A. Michelson,et al.  XXXVIII. On the application of interference-methods to spectroscopic measurements.—I , 1891 .

[54]  William Whewell,et al.  History of the inductive sciences from the earliest to the present time , 1847 .

[55]  P. Ehrenfest Welche Züge der Lichtquantenhypothese spielen in der Theorie der Wärmestrahlung eine wesentliche Rolle , 1911 .

[56]  Symposium: The Relevance of Psychology to Logic , 1938 .

[57]  J. Keynes A Treatise on Probability. , 1923 .

[58]  W. Nix,et al.  Models for grain rearrangement resulting from grain boundary sliding , 1973 .

[59]  A Comprehensible World: on Modern Science and Its Origins , 1967 .

[60]  The Spectra of Helium and Hydrogen , 1913, Nature.

[61]  R. Shankland Michelson-Morley Experiment , 1964 .

[62]  Albert Einstein,et al.  Über die Entwicklung unserer Anschauungen über das Wesen und die Konstitution der Strahlung , 1969 .

[63]  E. Fermi An attempt of a theory of beta radiation. 1. , 1934 .

[64]  LXIX. On the ascertained absence of effects of motion through the Æther, in relation to the constitution of matter, and on the FitzGerald-Lorentz hypothesis , 1904 .

[65]  I. Lakatos Changes in the Problem of Inductive Logic , 1968 .

[66]  Otto Neurath Pseudorationalismus der Falsifikation , 1935 .

[67]  W. Wooster,et al.  The Average Energy of Disintegration of Radium E , 1927 .

[68]  G. Beck,et al.  Zur Theorie desβ- Zerfalls , 1933 .

[69]  N. Bohr Faraday lecture. Chemistry and the quantum theory of atomic constitution , 1932 .

[70]  W. Stegmüller Explanation, Prediction, Scientific Systematization and Non-Explanatory Information , 1977 .

[71]  The Spectra of Helium and Hydrogen , 1913, Nature.

[72]  Observations of the Principal and other Series of Lines in the Spectrum of Hydrogen. (Plates 2–4.) , 1912 .

[73]  The Refutability of ‘ Irrefutable ’ Laws , 1963 .

[74]  P. Feyerabend On a Recent Critique of Complementarity: Part I , 1968, Philosophy of Science.

[75]  The Confusion between Physics and Metaphysics in the Standard Histories of Sciences , 1975 .

[76]  M. Born Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, 1858-1947 , 1948, Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society.

[77]  Albert A. Michelson,et al.  The Effect of the Earth's Rotation on the Velocity of Light , 1925, Nature.

[78]  N. Mott,et al.  Energy relations in the β-ray type of radioactive disintegration , 1933 .

[79]  D. Lykken Statistical significance in psychological research. , 1968, Psychological bulletin.

[80]  W. Heisenberg,et al.  The development of the interpretation of the quantum theory , 1955 .

[81]  William Whewell,et al.  Novum organon renovatum : being the second part of the Philosophy of the inductive sciences , 1858 .

[82]  Does Conservation of Energy Hold in Atomic Processes? , 1936, Nature.

[83]  The Upper Limits of the Continuous $ \beta $-Ray Spectra of Thorium C and C$^{\prime \prime}$ , 1934 .

[84]  K. Popper,et al.  “Induktionslogik” und “Hypothesen-wahrscheinlichkeit”: , 1935 .

[85]  Antwort an Kritiker , 1981 .

[86]  J. Mill A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive : being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation. , 2011 .

[87]  Karl Acham,et al.  Neue Aspekte der Wissenschaftstheorie , 1971 .

[88]  E. Fermi Versuch einer Theorie der β-Strahlen. I , 1934 .

[89]  Albert A. Michelson,et al.  The Effect of the Earth's Rotation on the Velocity of Light, II. , 1925 .

[90]  N. Bohr LXXIII. On the constitution of atoms and molecules , 1913 .

[91]  XVII. On Fresnel's theory of the aberration of light , 1846 .

[92]  S. Prokhovnik The logic of special relativity , 1967 .

[93]  Richard H. Popkin,et al.  Scepticism, Theology and the Scientific Revolution in the Seventeenth Century , 1968 .

[94]  Spinning Electrons and the Structure of Spectra , 1926, Nature.

[95]  K. Popper,et al.  Logik der Forschung , 1935 .

[96]  N. Bohr Light and Life , 1933, Nature.

[97]  Adolf Grünbaum,et al.  The Duhemian Argument , 1960, Philosophy of Science.

[98]  Friedrich Waismann The Relevance of Psychology to Logic , 1977 .


[100]  E. Schrödinger Might perhaps energy be a merely statistical concept? , 1958 .

[101]  Über eine absolute Bestimmung der Energie der primären β-Strahlen von Radium E , 1930 .

[102]  R. Shankland An Apparent Failure of the Photon Theory of Scattering , 1936 .

[103]  The interpretation of the atom , 1911 .

[104]  THE FAISIFIABILITY OF THE LORENTZ-FITZGERALD CONTRACTION HYPOTHESIS , 1959, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

[105]  A Possible Extension of the Spectrum of Hydrogen , 1913 .

[106]  A. Grünbaum Can we ascertain the falsity of a scientific hypothesis? , 1969, Studium generale; Zeitschrift fur die Einheit der Wissenschaften im Zusammenhang ihrer Begriffsbildungen und Forschungsmethoden.

[107]  Karl R. Popper,et al.  The Open Society and Its Enemies , 1952 .

[108]  2 – ON THE ABERRATION OF LIGHT* , 1972 .

[109]  Michael Scriven LOGIC OF DISCOVERY. , 1968 .

[110]  W. Pauli Zur älteren und neueren Geschichte des Neutrinos , 1961 .

[111]  Relativity theory;: Its origins and impact on modern thought, , 1968 .

[112]  T. Kuhn,et al.  Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? , 1970 .

[113]  I. Lakatos,et al.  Beweise und Widerlegungen , 1979 .

[114]  Karl R. Popper,et al.  A Realist View of Logic, Physics, and History , 1970 .

[115]  N. Bohr,et al.  The Spectra of Helium and Hydrogen , 1913, Nature.

[116]  S. Toulmin The evolutionary development of natural science. , 1967, American scientist.

[117]  The Pressure of Radiation and Carnot's Principle , 1914, Nature.

[118]  Thirty Years That Shook Physics , 1972 .

[119]  K. Popper Logik der Forschung : zur erkenntnistheorie der modernen naturwissenschaft , 1936 .

[120]  A. Michelson,et al.  The relative motion of the Earth and of the luminiferous ether , 1881, American Journal of Science.

[121]  I. Lakatos Popper zum Abgrenzungs- und Induktionsproblem , 1971 .

[122]  Interpretation of Shankland's Experiment , 1936, Nature.

[123]  E. Rutherford,et al.  Radiations from Radioactive Substances , 2010 .

[124]  I. Lakatos,et al.  The problem of inductive logic , 1970 .

[125]  Keith Lehrer,et al.  A Note on Prediction and Deduction , 1961, Philosophy of Science.

[126]  Karl R. Popper,et al.  On the Theory of the Objective Mind , 1968 .

[127]  J. Smart,et al.  The Nature of Physical Reality. , 1951 .

[128]  G. Uhlenbeck,et al.  Spinning Electrons and the Structure of Spectra , 1926, Nature.

[129]  T. Kuhn,et al.  The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. , 1964 .

[130]  A. Michelson The relative motion of the Earth and ether , 1897 .

[131]  A. Michelson,et al.  On the relative motion of the Earth and the luminiferous ether , 1887, American Journal of Science.

[132]  WHEN ARE STATEMENTS EMPIRICAL?* , 1960, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

[133]  N. F. Mott Wellenmechanik und Kernphysik , 1933 .

[134]  E. Fermi Tentativo di una teoria dell'emissione dei raggi beta , 1933 .

[135]  P. Meehl Theory-Testing in Psychology and Physics: A Methodological Paradox , 1967, Philosophy of Science.

[136]  J. Watkins,et al.  Between Analytic and Empirical , 1957, Philosophy.

[137]  H. Reichenbach The rise of scientific philosophy , 1952 .

[138]  The Weak Interactions , 1959 .

[139]  M. Planck Zur Theorie des Gesetzes der Energieverteilung im Normalspectrum , 1900 .

[140]  Max Jammer,et al.  The conceptual development of quantum mechanics , 1966 .