LG-CONSTRUCTOR for rapid deployment of LG wargaming tools

LG-CONSTRUCTOR is a knowledge acquisition and construction component intended to facilitate rapid deployment of the LG- based tools. LG-CONSTRUCTOR will supply warfighters at all levels with the patterns of games. A warfighter will be able to consider and visualize the most viable patterns and quickly convert them into the LG hypergame, most adequate to the current mission. The adequacy of construction will be tested on the fly by playing and re-playing semi-finished hypergames. In order to construct a hypergame, LG- CONSTRUCTOR will define the board (with specific space-time scale), the pieces, the variety of legal movements and other activities of pieces, additional gaming constraints that define legal moves like winning conditions, rules of engagement, abort conditions, etc. LG-CONSTRUCTOR will store a number of pattern-ABG and complete pattern-hypergames developed earlier. After deployment to the mission, the military personnel will be able to play an appropriate pattern-hypergame. During this play, a military analyst will dynamically adjust this game to the real state of affairs. The required knowledge acquisition by pattern-game playing and game adjustment will be controlled by LG-CONSTRUCTOR. Step-by-step, by interacting with an analyst, LG-CONSTRUCTOR will generate a new hypergame, a network of interlinked ABG. For this generation, it may combine a number of pattern-ABG and complete pattern-hypergames. LG-CONSTRUCTOR will be capable of the real time construction due to transparency of LG game representation and high computational efficiency of LG-Strategist, an LG strategy-generating component. It will assist LG-CONSTRUCTOR in testing new games. This construction by playing and adjusting certain game-patterns will allow rapid deployment of LG-STRATEGIST during the mission. In this paper, we will consider the details of required knowledge acquisition and construction.