Operating a three-phase diode rectifier with a low-input current distortion using a series-connected dual boost converter

This paper describes a technique for shaping the input current to a three-phase diode rectifier using a two-switch series-connected dual boost converter and a three-phase bidirectional switch circuit. Circuits are described for generating a single voltage DC output, "single DC-rail", or a dual output DC voltage using center-tapped capacitors, "split DC-rail". Both rectifier types can be operated with the boost inductors located either on the DC or the AC side of the rectifier. The resultant rectifier circuit configurations have an excellent immunity to the "shoot-through" fault condition and use active switching elements with low per-unit current ratings and low switching losses. These features increase the reliability factor and lower the cost penalty associated with unity fundamental power factor three-phase rectifiers. Test results are presented for the rectifiers using simulation and experimental results.