Network path optimization using GA approach

In this paper, we present a variation of Genetic Algorithm (GA) for finding the Optimized shortest path of the network. The algorithm finds the optimal path based on the bandwidth and utilization of the network. The main distinguishing element of this work is the use of “2-point over 1-point crossover”. The population comprises of all chromosomes (feasible and infeasible). Moreover, it is of variable length, so that the algorithm can perform efficiently in all scenarios. Rankbased selection is used for cross-over operation. Therefore, the best chromosomes crossover and give the most suitable offsprings. If the resulting offsprings are least fitted, they are discarded. Mutation operation is used for maintaining the population diversity. We have also performed various experiments for the population selection. The experiments indicate that random selection method is the most optimum. Hence, the population is selected randomly once the generation is developed. In this paper, we have shown the results using a smaller network; however the work for larger network is in progress.